My book arrived in the post today, so I thought I would share a few photos of the end papers and the contents page.
(Not giving away too much, as I don't want to spoil it for you, if you were thinking of getting the book yourselves)
The contestants are photographed beautifully in the book, but they only appear on the back cover, the end papers, a montage page near the back and another double spread after the title page. Apart from these, there are no further pictures from the T.V. program, and not a lot of content about the show itself. There is no hint given about the results of the T.V. show at all, which is a good thing. That way I'll enjoy watching everybody's progress.
Here is a link to the BBC contestant profiles.
The back of the dust cover |
I hope you recognise the lovely Tilly from Tilly and the Buttons sewing blog. I am so excited to see a sewing blogger in print!
One of the projects published in the book |
This one has a nice photo of Lauren, another sewing blogger from Guthrie & Ghani
To give you an idea of the kind of book this is, here is a photo of the contents page.
It has a whopping 28 projects included in the book!
The pattern pieces for the first project - a Tunic dress - come with the book and are ready to be used.
For most of the other projects the pattern pieces can be downloaded and printed, or you can take the book to a photocopier and increase the pattern drawings by the stated % or if you are really clever you could scale up the drawings onto dressmaker's squared paper, as the pattern pieces are drawn onto graph paper in the book.
If you were thinking of getting the book, do feel free to ask me any questions before you purchase.
Disclaimer: I purchased this book myself at retail price, and am not affiliated with either the T.V. show, the publishers or the authors in any way at all. I took these photos of the book myself, and all original images belong to Quadrille Publishing.