**** Sorry but this giveaway is now closed****

Hi there! I am Nessa. I live in Scotland but am originally antipodean. I am sure we have a lot in common - as most stitching bloggers do. I have only been blogging about my craftiness for a wee while but have sewn for a very long while, and I hope through sharing my projects that I can be of help to you in some way.
I am participating in Debi's Sew Grateful week, and today is "Host a Giveaway Monday."
My First Giveaway
I am going to give away three copies of a British crafty magazine called Mollie Makes. I had read somewhere that this is quite a popular magazine in some countries but it can be difficult to find a copy, so I thought it would be nice to give these to somebody who would consider it a special treat to receive one of these in the post. I have issues 15, 17 and 19 to give away and am happy to post anywhere.
From left to right are Mollie Makes Issues 15, 17, 19 |
Contents page for Issue 15 |
Contents page for Issue 17 |
Contents page for Issue 19 |
To enter, all you have to do is two things:
1) leave a comment below saying
which issue you'd prefer. Then,
2) if you could have a look around my blog and leave me a tip on how I could improve in any way at all. I am pretty new to the online blogging world and would really like to be able to contribute useful and interesting things. A bit like a bring-a-plate party... I want to be almond and raspberry layer cake, not rice salad.
I'd be Sew Grateful for a little tip.
I've already received some great tips and put them in place: bolder and larger font and tabs along the top. :-)
P.S. Now I've also made a more decorative banner too - thanks for the tips so far everybody!
I will contact the winners at the end of the Sew Grateful week: 10th Feb. Entries close the same day at 7pm GMT.
For my regular readers, there is a lot happening today so please click on Debi's link at the top and see what other goodies are on offer from the Sew Grateful online sewing community over at
Debi's lovely vintage inspired website.
Just to let you know, these magazines were purchased at the Recommended Retail Price by myself and have been read by me only. I am not promoting this magazine and am in no way affiliated with it. I do not benefit at all from this, except for the lovely feeling of giving.