Friday, 17 August 2012

Quilting just for Me!

I saw these beautiful fabrics and just HAD to use them for something.  

They are from a range called Rural Jardin by French General for Moda.  Despite not having even one room in the house that they would coordinate with I didn't care, I just HAD to use them.  So I spent many a happy hour browsing the internet for a pattern, and again found the Moda Bake Shop had a superb pattern that would fit the bill perfectly.  The pattern is called Chain of Faith, and it comes with really clear photographic instructions.  I didn't do my quilt as big as the one in the pattern, and I also started it 5 squares in from the edge, as I prefer the red squares to create these diamond shapes, instead of the cross shapes that they create in the pattern.

I really enjoyed cutting and then laying out the fabrics. As you can see on the right, I've started sewing them up into squares and then into the larger squares.
I decided to be a bit more uniform with my colours, and kept the browns, reds and blues together.
Luckily for me, this is the bed in our guest room, so I could leave them laid out there with a sheet over them for a few weeks whilst being busy with other things.
After finally finishing I sent it off to be quilted together on a huge quilting machine, (which was a lot more expensive than I would ever have imagined) and am extremely happy with the results!!

I backed it with a pretty country scene toile  fabric from the Rural Jardin range.
Are there any fabric collections that you just HAD to have?

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Edinburgh Shopping Trip

I have been admiring Debi's timeless sewing and wondered where she shops for all her lovely fabrics.  As her city Edinburgh isn't too far away for me I asked if she would give me a few addresses. Instead she so kindly forwarded me a list of her top 3 fabric shops, complete with public transport directions and tips about what I might find in each shop!
Fabric Goodies Purchased!

Gold medal goes to...

Edinburgh Fabrics.  "An Aladdin's Cave jam-packed with goodies." Here is what I bought there: 
Floaty floral cotton, cotton lining, zip, all for McCall's Pattern 6503.  

Silver medal goes to...

Mandors of Edinburgh... a small shop with "very nice wools" and a remnants bin to rifle through!
Here is what I got there:

50cm remnant of Liberty Tana Lawn for £4, which I am hoping will stretch to make a simple vest top, and 1/2 metre of black satin and some elastic to make pyjama shorts.

Bronze medal goes to...

Cloth Shop / Remnant Kings.  Where the "entire top floor is dressmaking fabric."  Here is what I got there:

Floaty polyester to make a different version of McCall's 6503 and a blue cotton blend to make Butterick 5747 into a sailor style dress (inspired by Roisin and andrea).

Thanks so much to Debi of My Happy Sewing Place for helping me to have such a successful shopping trip!  As you can see I am now getting closer to completing my 2012 projects list!

Monday, 6 August 2012

The Score: Olympics 1 Sewing 0

Sportiness is not one of my personal qualities, but somehow watching the Olympics has taken priority in my life lately. The amount of sport I have watched in the last week is so much more than I've watched in the last year, and I am loving it!  Their effort and dedication is so inspiring and the pure joy they demonstrate at succeeding in their own passion and interests is heartwarming to see. 
So, having done the smallest amount of actual sewing  since they began, I shall share them sheepishly.  
Found this fabulous Willow fabric last year and it has been waiting patiently in my stash.
Now it is in the process of becoming a quilted oven pot holder, just need to add bias binding.
Last but not least...I've finally done some mending for my Mr, a patch for his gardening trousers.

So, I have been told that there will be life after the Olympics, so thought I would share my projects list  that I want to complete, in order, by the end of this year.

2012 Projects

Butterick 5030
Pot holder
Patchwork quilt
boxer shorts

...the last two may have to wait until 2013 - eek that sounds so far away!

How are you getting on with your 2012 project list?