Friday, 17 August 2012

Quilting just for Me!

I saw these beautiful fabrics and just HAD to use them for something.  

They are from a range called Rural Jardin by French General for Moda.  Despite not having even one room in the house that they would coordinate with I didn't care, I just HAD to use them.  So I spent many a happy hour browsing the internet for a pattern, and again found the Moda Bake Shop had a superb pattern that would fit the bill perfectly.  The pattern is called Chain of Faith, and it comes with really clear photographic instructions.  I didn't do my quilt as big as the one in the pattern, and I also started it 5 squares in from the edge, as I prefer the red squares to create these diamond shapes, instead of the cross shapes that they create in the pattern.

I really enjoyed cutting and then laying out the fabrics. As you can see on the right, I've started sewing them up into squares and then into the larger squares.
I decided to be a bit more uniform with my colours, and kept the browns, reds and blues together.
Luckily for me, this is the bed in our guest room, so I could leave them laid out there with a sheet over them for a few weeks whilst being busy with other things.
After finally finishing I sent it off to be quilted together on a huge quilting machine, (which was a lot more expensive than I would ever have imagined) and am extremely happy with the results!!

I backed it with a pretty country scene toile  fabric from the Rural Jardin range.
Are there any fabric collections that you just HAD to have?

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