Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Edinburgh Shopping Trip

I have been admiring Debi's timeless sewing and wondered where she shops for all her lovely fabrics.  As her city Edinburgh isn't too far away for me I asked if she would give me a few addresses. Instead she so kindly forwarded me a list of her top 3 fabric shops, complete with public transport directions and tips about what I might find in each shop!
Fabric Goodies Purchased!

Gold medal goes to...

Edinburgh Fabrics.  "An Aladdin's Cave jam-packed with goodies." Here is what I bought there: 
Floaty floral cotton, cotton lining, zip, all for McCall's Pattern 6503.  

Silver medal goes to...

Mandors of Edinburgh... a small shop with "very nice wools" and a remnants bin to rifle through!
Here is what I got there:

50cm remnant of Liberty Tana Lawn for £4, which I am hoping will stretch to make a simple vest top, and 1/2 metre of black satin and some elastic to make pyjama shorts.

Bronze medal goes to...

Cloth Shop / Remnant Kings.  Where the "entire top floor is dressmaking fabric."  Here is what I got there:

Floaty polyester to make a different version of McCall's 6503 and a blue cotton blend to make Butterick 5747 into a sailor style dress (inspired by Roisin and andrea).

Thanks so much to Debi of My Happy Sewing Place for helping me to have such a successful shopping trip!  As you can see I am now getting closer to completing my 2012 projects list!

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