Monday, 6 August 2012

The Score: Olympics 1 Sewing 0

Sportiness is not one of my personal qualities, but somehow watching the Olympics has taken priority in my life lately. The amount of sport I have watched in the last week is so much more than I've watched in the last year, and I am loving it!  Their effort and dedication is so inspiring and the pure joy they demonstrate at succeeding in their own passion and interests is heartwarming to see. 
So, having done the smallest amount of actual sewing  since they began, I shall share them sheepishly.  
Found this fabulous Willow fabric last year and it has been waiting patiently in my stash.
Now it is in the process of becoming a quilted oven pot holder, just need to add bias binding.
Last but not least...I've finally done some mending for my Mr, a patch for his gardening trousers.

So, I have been told that there will be life after the Olympics, so thought I would share my projects list  that I want to complete, in order, by the end of this year.

2012 Projects

Butterick 5030
Pot holder
Patchwork quilt
boxer shorts

...the last two may have to wait until 2013 - eek that sounds so far away!

How are you getting on with your 2012 project list?


  1. That is fabulous fabric - did you finish the items?

    1. Thanks Janine - I only finished the ones with a line through them, so the other ones will need to move onto the 2013 Project list I think.


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