Monday, 10 February 2014

The Great British Sewing Bee Season 2

Yay!  This fun-to-watch TV show is back on this year, starting on Feb 18th, BBC2 at 8pm.  This season we are going to have 8 episodes!
So far, I have tracked down two contestants in blogland that will be on the show, the first is Lynda (second from the left).  Her daughter Sarah writes a knitting blog and she mentions her Mum's new adventure in a post here.  It is a really lovely write up, Sarah's pride in her Mum just leaps off the screen!
Here are the GBSB contestants for season 2!  Does anybody recognise any of these contestants?
L-R:  Julie, Lynda, Heather, Cerina, Simon, Chinelo (who also has started a blog), David, Tamara and Jenni.
Best of luck everyone, and thank you so much for putting yourselves into the public spotlight for our enjoyment and for the promotion of all kinds of fabric creation!

Click here to see the promotional TV ad on You Tube.
My source for this photograph and other information is here.


  1. Can't wait to see it! I wonder if any of the others have blogs?

    1. Yay! I've found one who is a blogger! Chinelo

    2. Oooo! Check out this post! Much better at sleuthing than I am! It has contact details where you can read more about the new contestants and follow them via various social networks.

  2. Yeah! 8 episodes! Skip all planned Tuesday night activities, bring it on!

  3. Hmm, not anyone I thought was applying, although a couple of people look vaguely familiar for some reason (I may just be smoking crack though ;o) )

  4. I'm soo glad this is back on soon!

  5. Oh my thanks for sharing this! I loved watching the first season and look forward to it again this year!

  6. Yay! Hope I get to watch more of these than I did last time


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