Monday, 10 February 2014

I Have Joined a Quilting Bee

I have often read about quilting bees and am quite enamoured with the whole idea of women working together, chatting over a beverage of choice and creating something beautiful with fabric and thread.  I have read the entire set of quilting novels by Jennifer Chiaverini and have dreamed of using Lottery winnings or the inheritance from a long-lost relative to start up my own Jennifer-style sewing retreat mansion in the Highlands.... aah, if only life could be like the Elm Creek Quilters retreat.

But it isn't of course.  My life is full of work, deadlines, and all sorts of other commitments, but thankfully it is also full of technology!  Our quilting bee is going to be run completely using the internet.  Twelve women who have never met (well, actually I happen to have met three of them at The Edinburgh Stitch Gathering last year) are going to collaborate together to create a quilt for each other!
click here to visit the flickr group

If you are one of the 12 ladies who have signed up for this quilting bee, then "Hello there, and thanks so much for following my blog!" I've added the flickr group into my side bar, as well as to the picture above.  And here is the full title for those in the group who may want to copy and paste it onto their own blog:

Each of us get to decide what kind of quilt we'd like and share our ideas with the other ladies during our designated month.  My month is October, so I have a while yet til I need to decide on my own quilt.  This month belongs to Lou, and she'd like a quilt made up of wonky stars, so we are all going to make her one and post it to her!  How lovely does that sound?

Feel free to click on the link button in my side panel every now and then to see how we're getting on over the year.  And please, any tips from anyone who's been involved in a Quilting Bee, do share!


  1. Yay, I'm sure you'll have loads of fun :o)

  2. I hope your bee is a smashing success. The quilts in your gallery are fabulous, especially the postage stamp quilt.

  3. What a great idea! I look forward to following along. I'm off to look up those books now .& see if I can get them from my library, they sound great!

    1. Thanks Kathryn! The novels are really a fun read. All set in a the USA, the quilt stories are set both in modern day as well as through the Civil War. It's a really nice setting though, hope you're able to find some at the library. I bought mine from ebay so I'm sure you'd find them there too.

    2. Oh they sound great, I love books with more than one time setting! My library does have them so I'll get the first one ordered. Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. What a lovely idea! Do you choose the colour theme for your quilt as well?

    1. It is lovely isn't it! You can choose your colour theme if you want to, but you can also post your chosen fabrics out to the ladies if you'd prefer, or leave it completely up to the creators to choose fabrics! With the first quilt we are providing a block for, the colour choice is completely up to us!

  5. Wow, that's sounds fun Nessa!! I'm looking forward to following the progress of this quilting bee.

  6. That's such a lovely idea! Looking forward to seeing all the quilts that'll come out of this group :)

  7. I am so excited to be in it too! many thanks for setting up the flickr group. I have tried and failed to get the button to work but im not giving up :-) I love the Elm Creek books, would love to make some of the quilts from them too, maybe that could be a block for my month!

  8. What a great idea, can't wait to see what you make!


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