Sunday, 2 February 2014

Scottish Blogger Meet-Up

On Saturday, ten lovely ladies-who-blog met up in Glasgow to become ladies-who-lunch and to do a spot of fabric shopping.  I had never met these ladies in person before, but I do follow some of their blogs, so was hoping that I'd recognise them!
In this photo are L-R: Helen, Debi, me, Elaine, Alison, Katy, Elise, Katy, Kerry (& Franca took the photo)

When I headed off in the morning it was snowing heavily, but by the time I arrived in Glasgow it was just rain, rain rain.  But it did not dampen my excitement.  First some of us met for coffee and to dry off, then we headed up to Mandors fabric shop where Hazel (who not only writes her own creative blog but also works at Mandors) welcomed us and told us all about the sale that was on, and a few tips on things to look out for, and then we shopped!
I was able to get a few things that were on my wish-list:  mainly some jersey fabrics, as I find these difficult to purchase online.  I really need to feel the fabric for myself, for the stretch and thickness.  I also got some lining and a zip, all pretty boring stuff really, but necessary.
Katy got an amazing deal on some upholstery velvet and Debi bought some beautiful Liberty fabric.  The other Katy snapped up a deal on corduroy and Kerry chose some sweet Pirate fabric to make baby bibs.  Helen chose some drapey spotty fabric and gorgeous purple jersey, whilst Elaine found a fantastic digital print that wowed all of us.  There was too much choice for Alison so her pennies stayed safely in her purse.  Franca found some red cotton to create a Collette blouse and Elise was even more sensible and avoided the temptation altogether by just meeting us for lunch.
We had lunch in the tea rooms at The Butterfly and the Pig and it was a beautiful place, if you ever get to Glasgow it is well worth a visit.  They use old porcelain tea cups and the building itself is amazing.
After our scrumptious lunch, tea and cake, we shared some items that we'd brought along to swap, and then enjoyed looking through the bundles of patterns and fabrics that we'd all brought along.
L-R Franca, Helen and Debi

L-R Elaine (top of head only), Alison, Katy, Elise, Katy
L-R Kerry and Franca
Kerry organised this blogger meet up and is hoping to organise another one when the weather may be more inducive to wandering the streets for bargain fabric and vintage stores!  I had a really good time and am so glad that I went along.  I was really glad to meet some new bloggers as well as some of my favourite blog writers in person!  'Twas a wee bit like meeting famous people!  The whole day was totally stress-free and timed perfectly.  Thanks so much for organising everything Kerry!


  1. Looks like it was a great day. I'm very jealous!

    1. It really was! Meet Ups are such a great idea.

  2. Lots of friendly faces. Last year I went to Edinburgh for a meet up... So much fun x

  3. It was a lovely day, thanks for alerting me to the fact that it was on, it was great to meet you all :o)

  4. Sounds like a lovely day! Thanks for sharing the photos!

  5. Great photos of a great day! A x

  6. It sounds wonderful - so glad you had such a lovely time :)

  7. Sounds fun - hopefully I will make it to a sewing blogger meetup sometime.

  8. Ah lovely! I really enjoyed meeting you all and this is a nice recap. I've got some pics going up sometime this week but off to Aberdeen and Inverness for work so not sure when :) -Elaine

  9. wow, what a great idea! If one gets organised in Edinburgh then let me know!

  10. What a great idea! It helps that you live close together. I've visited your blog as part of the Little Blog Quilt Bee (I'm a would be quilter!) and I've noticed that there are a lot of quilters and sewers (is that a word?) in the north! Perhaps I should move.......anyway, I look forward to "working" with you in the coming months x

  11. Oh , how lovely to meet up and go shopping at Mandors! Looks like you all had a great time!

  12. It was so lovely to finally meet you! I had such a great day, despite the weather! Looking forward to seeing what you make!

  13. I love your write up Nessa, and that you wrote something about all of us. Was great to meet you :)

  14. Hi Nessa (and all you lovely Glasgow bloggers!)

    I'm following your blog now, and since I started my blog (Make Thrift Love Life) a couple of weeks ago, I hope to meet you all one day too. Feel free to drop by my blog for a nosey!

    Gayle x


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