Monday, 4 May 2015

Baa-ble Hat

To promote Shetland Wool week Donna Smith has designed a free knitting pattern for download.  As soon as I saw it I knew I wanted to give this a go, as I love sheep and especially these little black faced sheep which I get to see quite a lot where I live in Perthshire, Scotland.

I have only ever knit one other hat using this stranded colour work technique, and I am happily surprised that once I had the needles in my hand it all came back to me and I hadn't forgotten anything!


I used a short length circular needle for the entire hat, but when I got close to the crown and there weren't many stitches left I used the 'magic loop' technique where I just pull some of the needle cord through any gap in the stitches to make the knitting into a triangle shape.

I also keep the main colour I am using for each row in my right hand and knit as normal, and the additional feature colour I keep on the left side.  When I enter my right needle into the left to start a stitch I simply loop the yarn over from the strand on my left.  When it comes to a gap of more than 5 or 6 sttiches all I did was pick up the ball of yarn from my left side and take it under and over the looping strand on my right side.  (I should have taken a video I guess).
Here is what the inside ends up looking like:

Perfect for Scottish weather, as it almost acts as two layers!  I used the recommended yarn and colours, and bought it directly from Jamieson's of Shetland.  But there are already so many other gorgeous Baa-ble hats to be seen in an array of colours using the hashtag #baable on social media.

This will be the first pom pom I have ever worn!  And I don't feel one bit silly, instead wearing it makes me feel proud of my ability to make such a fun pattern with such beautiful wool.
Bird's eye view

Gamboling sheep in all their glory, front and back.


  1. And proud you should be, it is gorgeous, and the pom pom finishes it off perfectly!

  2. Love it. Your floats on the wrong side are so neat!

  3. Love it. Your floats on the wrong side are so neat!

  4. I adore your hat Nessa!! I so wish I knew how to knit like this. Maybe this hat is just the project for me to learn... You look so cute!

  5. It is wonderful Nessa, a lovely pattern beautifully executed :)

  6. Lovely! Looks so warm and that brown-green yarn is such a beautiful colour. I've used Jamiesons yarn before and it's great stuff

  7. Definitely shouldn't feel silly - it is gorgeous. The inside is almost as pretty as the outside. Juliex

  8. Im not surprised you felt the need to make this its gorgeous!


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