Sunday, 17 May 2015

The Results of my Own little Craft It Forward project

At the end of last year I was lucky enough to receive a beautiful handmade bag from Fiona at Celtic Thistle Stitches because she was doing a little Craft-It-Forward project and I happened to be one of the first commenters.  So recently I also offered to make three crafty things for the first three people to comment on my blog post, and now that Fiona and Jen  have received their gifts from me, (hopefully Kirstin receives hers soon?) I want to share what I made!
These are pincushions with hanging pockets and a loop to hold onto a bucket for collecting threads and trimmings.  I got the idea from Lynz when she made a very snazzy one for her own craft room, and I'm so grateful that she linked to the instructions - a great tutorial from Elizabeth Hartman.  The pin cushion is weighted down with rice and has a felt strip down the middle for sewing needles.  It is attached to a hanging pocket that can sit next to your sewing machine or on your armchair.  There is a loop to attach the threads bucket, but if you aren't using it then the loop tucks in to one of the pockets.

Fiona loves Tula Pink fabric as well as lime green, so this will be hers:
Fabric: Tula Pink, V&Co.

Kirstin loves bold colours, feminine Ulyana and knitting, so this will be hers:
Fabric: Katarina Roccella

Jen lives by the beach and looking at her blog seems to favour aqua colours, so this is hers:
Fabric: Katerina Roccella

It was really nice to look at these creative lady's blogs and decide what colours and fabrics they might like.  I enjoyed thinking about something crafty and useful that people who sew may like to have too.

Now I can't wait to see each of these blogger's Craft-It-Forward projects!
Feel free to follow them and sign up when they post their own C-I-F!
Fiona blogs at Bendigo Lioness
Kirstin blogs at Sew Classic
Jen blogs at Quilter in the Closet


  1. That's such a lovely gift :) So clever.

  2. What a fab idea! Lovely makes Nessa

  3. Lovely gifts!!! You are so thoughtful :)

  4. I absolutely LOVE my gift. It sits next to my chair and already has a lot of scraps in the bin (I must remember to empty it). It really is fabulous & the colours are just perfect for my lounge & sewing room. I cannot thank you enough! I'm yet to post my Craft it forward on my blog but it will be coming!!!

    1. Hi Nessa, just letting you know that I have just finished typing up my blog post & it will be published on Thursday 29 October at 9am AEST.

  5. Lovely and useful, what more could you ask for Nessa! Great to see the Craft it Forward continue :)

  6. I have one of these - SO useful!!!'

  7. Oh lovely gifts. I must make a start on mine - still in the planning stages!

  8. Oh!!! I received mine, and I absolutely love it!! I have it sitting next to me to remind me to let you know, and I continually forget... It's so beautiful and perfect for my sewing area; I cannot say enough good things about it! I'm posting my Craft It Forward post this week. Thank you so much for posting originally - I love the idea, and I can't wait to pay it forward my inspiring a bit of craftiness and happiness for someone else!

    1. That's great news that it's arrived and I'm so pleased you love it!
      Good luck with your crafty project, you'll really enjoy doing this!

  9. What a fab idea, it's great to get gifts that are useful!


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