Saturday, 6 December 2014

Pay It Forward

A wee while ago I read a post by Fiona at Celtic Thistle Stitches who was hosting a sewing themed Pay It Forward idea.  I was one of the three lucky readers who would receive a handmade gift in the post over the next twelve months.

My handmade parcel arrived today, and it is just perfect for me!  I've never made a bag before, but have admired these quilted boxy pouches for quite a while, never thinking that I would one day actually have one of my own!  AND it is in green, my favourite colour!

The inside is sewing themed too!

Not only will this pouch be useful for keeping my sewing bits and bobs in one place, it can fit extra goodies inside too!

Thank you so much Fiona Celtic Thistle.  I'm so glad you didn't forget, and this was certainly worth waiting for!

If you would like to participate in Craft-It-Forward, you need to have your own blog and be one of the first three people to comment on this blog post.  You will need to be sure that I can find your email address, so that I can contact you for postal details.  Then I will send you a handmade gift some time within the next 12 months!  When you receive your gift you need to be prepared to host your own Craft-It-Forward on your blog, and then send out three homemade gifts within 12 months of your hosting post.

I am looking forward to getting to know the three participants better,  and to work out a perfect little crafty gift for three of my readers!


  1. I would love to participate in Pay it Forward with you. My email address is intheclosetquilter(at)gmail(dot)com. I found you through Fiona's lovely blog. She totally rocks, doesn't she? BTW, I love how you quilted your Swoon quilt - so lovely!

  2. Wow! What an awesome gift! I'd be happy to join in a pay it forward some time in 2015z my blog is and I know you already know my email address ;)

  3. That is an amazing gift and I'd love to participate (as long as you're comfortable shipping to the states)!

    1. Of course! I'd love to make something for you! Unfortunately you are down as a no-reply blogger and so I was unable to email you.
      Can you email me your postal address please, then expect a handmade gift Sometime in the next 12 months.
      So excited you want to be in it!
      xx Vanessa

  4. What a lovely pouch! Well done Fiona! The PIFs are great fun!


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