Saturday, 20 December 2014

Highland Thistle Dress

I LOVE this fabric and have finally been brave enough to cut into it and made myself a dress for the winter here in Scotland.  The fabric is a good quality knit fabric designed by Anna Maria Horner.

I was originally going to use the Colette Moneta pattern for this fabric but decided to use Butterick 5523 instead.  I have made this dress twice before (as a sleeveless and in Autumn colours) and I love how comfortable as well as neat looking this dress can be.

As the fabric makes me feel all Scottish and Highland-ery, I thought I would drive up the road to get some photos of it.  Our village is situated right where two rivers and two Glens meet, so we have lots of hills very close to us.  These photos were taken up the Glen this morning, even though it is freezing cold, the sun was shining a wee bit!
no filter here - this is exactly how it looks today!
When making this dress I added 1" to the front bodice to help make sure that the empire line stayed under my bust.  I also added 4" to the hemline.  I used my overlocker to make this dress, which was so quick and easy, but when it came to adding the skirt to the top, I forgot that I was supposed to keep the seam allowance so that I could enclose the waist elastic within it!  I had just let the overlocker cut it all off!  Oh well, I shall see how the dress goes keeping it's shape without the added elastic for now.  I used a stretch twin needle on my normal sewing machine to sew the hem on the sleeves and the skirt hem.

(the flash went off in this photo, don't know why, but it was my last one, too cold today)
The pattern is supposed to have a small tab of fabric with two buttons on the back, but I messed mine up and couldn't be bothered making another one.  It looks quite okay without it anyway.
the back is pretty plain
Whilst I was getting these snaps a full rainbow came out, so I shall leave you with my lucky shot!


  1. This gorgeous, great style and colour for you, and love the thistles!

  2. I do think your dressmaking is fantastic. Love it, it really suits you. And you do live in such a beautiful place, well suited to the thistles! I bet it was wild and very chilly out there this morning! Hope you have a lovely Christmas. Juliex

  3. Love the dress, the fabric is gorgeous! A x

  4. What a gorgeous colour! (And the thistles and the dress are pretty fab too!!!)

  5. I agree with the others...this color is beautiful on you Nessa. Lovely dress! The thistle print is perfect. You are so blessed to live in such a stunning setting too!

    1. Thanks so much Margo! I do feel very fortunate to live here.

  6. I couldn't resist the cotton version of that fabric :) the knit version looks fabulous made up into a dress.

  7. Love this fabric! It looks great on you. The colour is beautiful. As is the scenery!!! Could you try sewing the elastic to the remaining seam allowance? I've done that before, rather than encasing it. Even go for a narrower elastic if necessary? Might be worth trying. You don't want such a pretty dress to stretch out!

    1. Great idea with the elastic Helen! Thanks for that, I think I will give that a go.

  8. Beautiful! They have this fabric at my local (ish) fabric store and I really, really think I need it! It looks like a great dress for winter!

  9. Lovely fabric, dress looks lovely on you and the colour ideally suits you. Love the scenery

  10. Love the dress, and the scenery is beautiful!!

  11. This came out beautifully! I'm hoarding some of this fabric, but no idea what I'll do with it...

  12. Lovely dress, stunning scenery! Now I MUST come to Scotland for a visit!


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