Friday, 3 October 2014


At long last I have finished this huge quilt!  And I love it!  I have blogged about piecing the top of this quilt back in April and May if you're interested in the finer points, but otherwise, here are lots of photos of my finished quilt!  All indoors today due to the rain.
This is Swoon on the same bed that is in my blog header, my sewing room
Swoon fits quite nicely on the double bed!
Taken from up the stairwell.
Sheltering under the porch.
I used the pink Country Girls fabric for the back too.
As part of the fabric collection four of the prints
are on a white background, which would be
difficult to incorporate into a star block, so I used
two of the white fat quarters for the binding!

The details

The pattern is called Swoon by Thimbleblossoms
The fabric is called Country Girls by Tasha Noel

As part of Katy's Finish-Along I had hoped to finish seven things this quarter of the year, but alas I only finished two, but they are two that I am very pleased with.

Getting over disappointment

At the quilters I asked for a coordinating thread colour to be used for each block, with a flower stitched within the central star and arches from every corner of the outer petal shapes, and the white background was supposed to be filled with swirling feathers. What I paid for and received is not exactly what I asked for, but it is not worth causing a fuss so I have struggled to just get used to what I have been given and try to just love it for what it is right now, not what I had envisioned.  It has taken a couple of weeks to get over the disappointment, at which I just had it tucked away, then I was able to do the binding by keeping it scrunched up next to the machine and by keeping most of it in it's bag whilst I just stitched on a bit of binding at a time.
Today I finally laid it out flat for these photos and now know that I do love it again and am going to just not think about my vision for the quilting side of it.
This quilt is not going into a competition or a show or anything, it is meant to bring joy to whoever is snuggled up inside it, and I think it will do just that.

And now for the close-ups!


  1. sorry you didn't get it exactly how you wanted it after all that work nessa! still it is really beautiful and i am really glad you love it again. i think i would really struggle with this aspect of quilting - giving my hard work to someone else to finish!

    1. Thanks Jo. Previously I had chosen a computer-drawn design but this was a custom design and they have either forgotten my specifics or written them down wrongly. If there is a next time I will do a drawing of what I want instead of leaving it to the luck of translation!

  2. It is stunning. So sorry about the quilting not being what you had hoped for. I can understand how disappointing that would be....I find it very hard to adjust my view if something isn't as I had imagined. Juliex

    1. Thanks for that Julie, it is comforting to know you share the same thoughts about expectations not being realised. Thanks for your and kind thoughtful comment.

  3. There is nothing more charming than a handmade quilt! It's beautiful Nessa! I'm so sorry that you didn't what you wanted.... I would be disappointed too, on principle. is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you so much Margo. It does help to see it with fresh eyes and I try not to think about my previous vision for it. This is probably just as good really, and I do enjoy the fabric abd the pattern an awful lot, which hopefully makes up for it.

  4. The quilt is stunning Nessa, gorgeous choice of backing too

  5. it's a beautiful quilt Nessa, a great achievement. The quilting is very pretty if not exactly what you were after, I imagine this might be quite a common outcome of handing over your quilt to someone but will make you extra wary next time. So glad you love it again.

  6. It's absolutely beautiful Nessa, even if it isn't quite what you intended. I'm sure it'll become a dearly treasured heirloom in years to come :)

  7. Wow, it is beautiful! Sorry the quilting isn't as you imagined, I think I would have cried... So glad you are falling back in love with it though, it is still an amazing looking quilt! A x

  8. Its beautiful. So glad you fell in love with it again, i made a quit years ago having been saving dark reds for several years, and added a cream. As i was making it i knew there was too much contrast between the reds and the cream, so explained to the LAQ that i wanted really dense stipple in dark red to tone it down, but she did a huge stipple - it ended up being donated to a Macmillan coffee morning raffle kadt year - i just didn't feel the love

  9. It's beautiful! Sorry the quilting didn't end up as you'd envisaged, it's hard to hand over something with the blind faith that you'll get back what you're hoping for.


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