Friday, 10 October 2014

Sewing Plans for the last Quarter of the year

I have so many things that I have started but not finished this year.  I have listed them in previous quarters of the year to help with getting them finished before starting something new, sometimes the lists have helped but sometimes I just start something new anyway!
So, we are now into the final quarter of 2014, and here is my list of things that I hope to achieve.
Linking up with Katy's Finish-Along with the hope of being randomly selected for a Finished Project prize!

1.  My sister Bonnie's quilt.  I had been trying to get this finished for her Australian Winter but it just didn't happen, but maybe now it will finally get done and sent, as I am putting it down as my number one priority.
2.  I started this hand piecing of apple core shapes at the Edinburgh Stitch Gathering and would like to have it finished into a cushion.
3.  I am planning on making a mini quilt using a combination of low volume fabrics as the background and a lone star inside a swoon block for the main design.  I have bookmarked the tutorial and purchased the fabrics, I just need to get on with it and do it!

4. There is probably no chance that I will actually do this, but I will list it anyway, my applique Garden Quilt.  Come on girl, just do it!!!!
5.  Probably no chance of getting this one finished either, but I will include it in the hope that a huge pocket of time opens up for me: My Pretty Potent quilt.
6. A clutch handbag I am making using this frame and the family tartan in silk as a gift for the newest member of the family.  Just waiting for the fabric to arrive now.
7.  Wedding quilt using Terra Australis fabrics.  Unlikely they will get it before their first anniversary next year, but I can always try!


  1. So many beautiful makes in the works! I adore your choices for the wedding quilt...what a lucky couple! I also can't wait to see the clutch when it is finished. May I ask where you bought the clutch frame?

    1. Thanks Margo!
      Of course, the bag frame is from U handbags. Here's the link
      Looks like you can just glue the fabric in! I'll let you know how it goes.

  2. Goodness! This sounds like a lot of work! It all sounds and looks great though.

    Sorry, I've been meaning to email you, but I have nominated you for the Blog Hop that's currently doing the rounds. Don't feel obliged if you don't fancy it, but I'd love to read your answers if you can manage it. X

    1. Thanks for that Helen, so nice of you! I've started thinking about answers already.

  3. That's one of the hardest parts about being creative - our minds work faster than our hands. Beautiful projects!

  4. I love the quilt for your sister, the flying geese are fab!

  5. Love the fabric for the wedding quilt- can't wait to see that one done!


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