Saturday, 12 July 2014

Sewing Plans for the Third Quarter of 2014

I can't believe it is already time to compile a list of all my unfinished projects for the third quarter of the year!  Where has the time gone?
Katy is hosting a Link-Up with prizes to help motivate us to finally get any of our long-term projects completed.  Feel free to join in: visit her blog here for all the details.

My Finish-Along goals for Q3

1.  My sister's quilt. Argh!  I really had hoped to get this done much earlier in the year, but I keep procrastinating and putting it off.  I really did want it finished in time for her to snuggle under it during the Australian winter, so hopefully it will get there at least before the daffodils open!

2.  I recently bought a fat quarter bundle from Anna Maria Horner's new fabric line Pretty Potent, and have deliberated long and hard over what to do with it.  I've finally decided on a pattern, and once some coordinating solids get decided upon, I am going to start cutting into these lovely fabrics!

3.  I have finished all nine of the Swoon blocks, and have sashed them together.  This quarter I aim to finish the quilting and binding and have it complete!

4.  I have had these Harris Tweed remnants for well over a year now, but have finally purchased cushions to go inside them so I have no more excuses to leave them undone.

5.  Will this finally be the quarter when I finish my needle-turn applique quilt????  Oh I do hope so!

6.  Earlier in the year I bought some gorgeous organic voile from The Village Haberdashery, it is Flight by Birch fabrics.  I have wondered what to make from it for quite a while, and have finally decided on a dress pattern.  I do hope to finish this in time for a holiday in August.

7. There is a wedding coming up in my husband's family, and the young couple are marrying overseas and so have requested that no presents be given.  So I thought a nice quilt made just for them would be really nice.  I have the pattern and colour idea, just need to purchase fabric.  My plan is to make the quilt on the cover of this magazine:

So, that is my list of proposed finishes for the third quarter of 2014.  I'll be linking up with the Finish-Along over at The Littlest Thistle.


  1. those are some fabulous projects! Love that dress - muslin the bodice - it's a bit blousy in the back. but your sister's quilt is stunning! as are the rest. Happy sewing. g

  2. What lovely projects! All so varied that you're sure to be able to hop from one to another & not get bored. Looking forward to seeing them all together!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You bought the voile too? Of course you did! It will be gorgeous! GMarie is right. Sew Dixie Lou posted this dress this week and said as much about the bodice (

    Quilts are all looking fab!

    1. Managed to post same comment twice, hence the deletion!). X

  5. Great list. Good luck xx

  6. Your quilting always amazes me, Nessa! Can't wait to see your finished work.

  7. Beautiful projects. My favourites are the swoon blocks and the dress fabrics. You are going to be working hard these next few months!

  8. Wow! Lovely projects Nessa! Can't wait to see your dress :)

  9. So many lovely projects! How do you decide what to work on first?? Looking forward to see them all finished - you're so close on so many of them :)


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