Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Moneta Flight dress

I finally purchased a twin needle yesterday and so was able to finish off the neckline and hems of my second Moneta dress, and can share it on here at last!

The knit fabric is an organic fabric called Flight by Birch fabrics, which I purchased from The Village Haberdashery.  It is a cream coloured knit with the dark grey printed on top of the fabric - which means that if you stretch it a bit you can see the white beneath the paint, so probably not best used for ultra-clingy styles.  The underneath of the fabric is soft and a bit fluffy too, so perfect for Autumn and Winter.

I really like this dress pattern.  I have made it into a maxi dress before, so this is the first time I've used the proper pattern length, and it is just right for me, hitting just on my knees.

Just like my first attempt, I again gathered the waist using two rows of long stitches and then pulled on the thread tails to gather the skirt to the correct length.  Then I attached the clear elastic without stretching it, just laying it on top of the gathers and bodice edge as I stitched with my Overlocker.  It was a very successful method for me.
And I still can't get over how practical and useful having pockets in a skirt or dress really is!
This is the first time I have ever used a twin needle to finish off the neckline and hems and it was easier than I thought it would be.  The shop didn't have a 4mm width so I used a 2.5mm twin needle designed for Stretch fabric and it worked a treat.  Here is a link to a blog post that was quite helpful and gave me confidence to have a go.
I find seeing the backs of people's makes very informative, and so in a bid to promote showing our Posterior for Posterity, I am including a most unflattering photo of the back of my dress.
Whilst photographing this morning, my Mister was far more interested in getting his flowers in the photo - these ones were full of bumble bees - there's even one in the photo - thankfully they hardly ever sting, and even if they do, their stinger doesn't have a barb so they can remove themselves quickly.

Last photo - I love my new dress!


  1. it's so pretty nessa. that fabric is lovely!

  2. This is beautiful, Nessa! And I LOVE the fabric - birds!!! I have seen that on VH's website, but as I'm not really sewing just now, I can't justify fabric purchases (half price liberty is of course excluded from that particular embargo!). Glad you got some though!

  3. I haven't worked much with knits. This looks great, I really like the print too. And pockets! I have a friend who can't stand dresses and skirts with pockets and I've never been able to figure out why. I think they're great and as you said, very practical and useful! :)

  4. It's really lovely! The fabric is just beautiful :) And your twin needle stitching looks immaculate! I tried it out for the first time last month, and can't imagine now why I avoided attempting it for so long :)

  5. Beautiful fabric for a beautiful dress! Your twin needle sewing looks perfect, and that's really great to know about the clear elastic. Elastic is always hit or miss with me so I'm usually scared to try it! Gorgeous dress (and flowers)!

  6. This is so lovely! The fabric is amazing and this was the perfect pattern to pair it with. nice work!

  7. Cute fabric, lovely dress and pockets too

  8. Love that fabric and your dress looks flattering, comfortable and practical!

  9. Oh well done! Does the twin needle help for stretchiness or just for perfect parallel top stitching?

    1. Thanks Benta!
      It helps with stretchiness, as the bobbin thread underneath ends up doing a sort of zig zag between the two rows of stitches. Otherwise, to get a single row of stitch to stretch it would need to be a zig zag on top, which isn't as pretty.

  10. That looks great Nessa! Love the twin needle finishing, looks very professional. Looks lovely in that fabric, I panic bought some of that print in voile a few months back, it's so pretty! Enjoy your new dress!!

  11. Love your Moneta and such beautiful fabric.

  12. Another great make Nessa and I agree, all skirts and dresses should have pockets where possible!

  13. You look great in your Moneta and some excellent top stitching. Also I love that fabric I may have to buy some.

  14. Gorgeous dress, Nessa! That fabric and the pattern are so flattering on you! :)

  15. I love your new dress too Nessa! The print is gorgeous and your finishing looks perfect!

  16. Nessa this is gorgeous! I love the twin needle work ... it's inspiring me to have a go!

  17. Very nice, I do love that fabric :o)

  18. I love your dress and the fabric, it looks brilliant! I have this fabric on my wishlist on VH, I might have to make a purchace having seen your dress!

  19. Ooh this is gorgeous! And pockets on dresses are awesome :)


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