Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Spring Sewing Plans

This is a list of things that I'd like to finish by the end of Spring.  If you too want to make a list be sure to link it up with Katy's Finish-Along and for every item you complete from your list you have a chance at winning lots of lovely prizes!

1.  I finished the top of this quilt and had it already for being quilted during the first quarter of the year(Q1), but as I want to learn how to use a long-arm machine and quilt it for myself, I couldn't get a lesson booked in time for this to be considered a Q1 finish, but it will definitely be a Q2 Spring finish!  I'll take photos of my long-arm adventure and write about it here for you.
2. I began working on a quilt for my sister, and I'd like to have it finished before her Aussie Winter arrives.
3.  I bought Thimbleblossom's Swoon quilt pattern and have been happily cutting out Tasha Horsley's Country Girls fabric.  I am really enjoying this and have made five of these 24" blocks so far!
4.  I'm only including this next project just-in-case I get really sick and bed-ridden and all I can do is hand-sewing.  This is my longest running WIP and I have little hope that I will finish it this season either, but you never know!  In My Garden applique quilt, 5 blocks done and 4 to go... still.

4.  I am making a Nightie / Slip for myself.  Not sure I'll be brave enough to model it on my blog though - maybe a headless shot?
5.  I am also making some glow-in-the-dark Star Wars PJ pants for a friend... If they get the measurements to me before Q2 is over.


  1. Good luck! This sounds like a lot of work, but I hope you manage it.

  2. Good to see your WIPs or should we call them planned finishes? I think the colours on your quilt are very like a charm pack my SIL bought is it French General? As for your LAQ adventure, I would love to hear how you get on!

  3. Lovely projects, and one already finished ???? Or are you planning another pair of pjs?

  4. Great projects! It's always so nice crossing things off a list. :)


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