Sunday, 30 March 2014

Well Helloooo Garment Sewing!

It has been quite a while since I have done any garment sewing, so it's time I got back into it!  First up will be two pieces: underwear slip and nightwear pants.  Useful, practical and won't take up much room!  I have been collecting all the lingerie bits and pieces to create Gertie's new pattern Butterick 6031 and I finally have it altogether.  Gertie is even going to start a sew-along on the 1st April which I am planning to join in with.
I also bought some GLOW IN THE DARK Star Wars fabric to make some pyjama pants for a friend who lives far away in Australia.  I know he will love them, I'm just waiting on his wife to give me the measurements of one of his favourite PJ pants so that I can best match the finished garment size.
The crossed light-sabers glow in the dark

Personal Reflection

Whilst enjoying my garment-making hiatus, I have done a little reflective thinking about why I didn't want to make garments.  This has been for a number of reasons:
1.  I don't want to make clothes for my current figure.  I am a bit ashamed that I let myself put on so much excess weight over the winter.  I don't want to be photographed either.
2. I tidied out my wardrobe and realised I have FAR TOO MUCH clothing already.  The very last thing I need in my life is more clothing!  The added trouble is that I don't ever throw clothes away.  If it is too summery to wear, it gets put into the spare room closet.  If it is too small or too big, it gets put into a size-labelled container and hidden in the loft/attic until I return to that size in the future.
3.  My sewing room -which is also the spare room- is full of my Mister's things.  We are still awaiting a joiner to create storage space in his workroom and so in the meantime my room is a storage room, which makes anything larger than a bit of patchwork piecing difficult to work with in there.
4.  I am LOVING doing patchwork at the moment.  I bought some beautifully coloured prints and am really enjoying making them into something wonderful for my sister.  I also bought some sweet little girly fabric that I am enjoying cutting up to it's best advantage to create a patchwork quilt with too - I have no intended recipient for this quilt, but it is bringing me much joy creating it.  (I'll share some pictures of these in my next post)


  1. Nothing wrong sewing other things other than clothes.. It's a great way to keep creative.

  2. I love the fabric for your slip. That seems like a pretty project which would make you feel good about yourself, even though you're not feeling like garment sewing at the minute. Also, I LOVE the Star Wars material. I think I have seen it on another blog too, where did you find it?

  3. As I said to the last person I saw doing Gertie's sew along, I can't wait for the modelling session ;o) I do totally understand about the size thing, which is why I also haven't touched anything garment related in a long time, I haven't even finished the jammie bottoms I started at FQR last summer! Still, I finally buckled down to the diet 3 weeks ago and have lost a stone already. 2 1/2 to go, but now in the slower phase of the diet, so I doubt I'll shed more than 1 before I head off to Market, so no new handmade clothes for there!

  4. Ditto on the clothes, but I think I * need* glow in the dark PJ bottoms! I have at lest one pair of summer trousers snd a summer and a winter top that I started last summer ... No, probably at least the one beg

  5. Eh ? What happened there? ... The one before, that I still haven't finished! Maybe *this* year !!!

  6. If you're enjoying patchwork at the moment, then go for it! I think creativity can be cyclical; garment sewing mojo will come back around when you're ready for it. In the meantime, what you've been making on the quilting front is amazing. And as for the Star Wars pjs....why can I never find flannel like that?!

    1. You sound like you're speaking from experience Danielle, thank you very much for such a considered and supportive comment!

  7. Looks fab Nessa! Can't wait to see the finished pieces!

    1. Thanks Lou! I hope they turn out as good as I imagine them!

  8. That is such pretty fabric for your slip! Here I am just choosing boring solids and you are picking out a gorgeous print!

  9. I feel the same about garment sewing so will only be sewing with stash fabric till I have shrunk a bit!
    Love the Star Wars fabric, I need to get some to make PJ' for Euan, I would get top Mummy points for them :) A x

  10. As the others have already said above, you should sew what makes you happy, and if that's patchwork, then so be it! It's meant to be a hobby, remember, not a chore! Can't wait to see what you make - whatever it is!

  11. I echo these comments sew what makes you happy! I don't like my weight, but don't have enough me made clothes so will keep sewing. Your quilting is beautiful. Good luck with the underwear, I thought about but want to reduce my garment stash first.

    1. Thanks so much for your empathy Ruth, I do appreciate your thoughts.

  12. Hello Nessa, I enjoy reading your blog, love the Scottish landscape with is the backdrop to many of your photos and your gift and patchwork projects. Your easiest quilt top article has inspired me to have a go at my first patchwork and quilt project. I have nominated your for a Leibster award. Check it out


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