Monday, 18 November 2013

Measuring tape Skirt

I have made myself a skirt at long last!
Here's a little pocket detail to pique your interest

I own well over 40 skirts and yet unbelievably this is only the second skirt that I have ever made.  I have been giving this a bit of thought and I think it comes down to two things.  First, it is all the lovely fabrics that shop-bought skirts are made from.  So many colours and textures that I am always spoiled for choice and have always been able to find skirts that I love.  Secondly, skirts don't seem to be a popular garment where I live.  Most women that I see at work, out shopping or in business seem to wear black trousers or jeans.  Which means most skirts don't sell and end up in the next season's sale racks - ready for me to snap up at a bargain price!

So here it is - my new skirt!
I bought this fabric last year from Mandors in Glasgow, served by the lovely Hazel (the first blogger that I ever met in real life).  I chose the brighter version of this fabric because I wear reds, purples, mustards and sometimes aqua, so even though it is quite a bold palette, it will integrate well into my wardrobe.
I usually wear skirts with the tee shirts over the top of the waist bands.

The pattern is Butterick 5285, I made up view D.  It has 6 pleats at the front and 6 on the back but aren't top-stitched.  The other great thing is that it has pockets!  I was able to create the pockets using just one of those quilter's fat quarters, which gives the pockets a little surprising touch.

I had originally planned to self-draft this skirt, as part of my Fall Essentials Sew Along, but saw that a website I was buying some thread from also had this previously-out-of-print pattern available!  I was over the moon, as I had seen Margo make some lovely skirts with this pattern.  The skirt pattern is very versatile, but the front piece needs to be cut from 150cm wide fabric, which mine wasn't, so I now have a seam up the middle - but you can't tell with this vertically striped fabric anyway.

Posterior for Posterity!  Remember to try to include a back shot ladies.
I was so keen to get these photos taken that I still need to attach the hook & eye to the waistband.
Linking up with Project Sewn: Signature Style.  I love wearing skirts with a blazer and boots, and I work with numbers so this skirt and outfit combination is right up my alley.  I have been getting lots of positive comments when I wear this too!


  1. That is such a fab skirt! It looks great.

  2. OH MY GOSH!! I'm just dying over here! Nessa, I love this skirt and how you styled it with the red blazer! You look great in it! I would wear this all the time! Thanks for the shout out as are so sweet.

  3. Oh my goodness, that is the best skirt ever, you look amazing!

  4. ooh I'm a sucker for a novelty print that on first glance doesn't look 'novel' good job lady :) I have that pattern but for some reason I've never made it up. I might have to shop the stash and make a copy cat-ish skirt

  5. What fun fabric! And you look so lovely in it.

  6. Smashing! Love the red jacket too - did you make it? And it looks great with boots :-)

    1. Thanks kushami! No I didn't make the jacket, it is red velvet so only comes out on special occassions - and now photo shoots for my blog :-)

  7. love Love LOVE this fabric! And I just put away that skirt pattern b/c I didn't have the right fabric, but I'm thinking I need to pull it out again stat! So flattering :)

  8. I love that first full body photo. Tuck your shirt in my often - show your waist, you look fabulous! With the jacket over - rock it!! The fabric is fun and the pattern is incredibly flattering on you. g

  9. Love it. I remember you buying that fabric and thought how striking it was then. No one will ever see the front seam. I'm sure it will be such fun to wear! Juliex

  10. Nessa I absolutely love this! I knew you'd make an awesome project with that fabric and the colours work so well on you! x

  11. Oh my gosh, Nessa! This is so adorably cute! Fantastic! I actually have that fabric. It was sent to me in a swap and I think purchased in London. I never would have thought to make a garment with it. Wow! Possibilities! Also, I am sooo bad! I didn't send of your pattern package yet. :( I am so forgetful sometimes. I will add some extra goodies to make it up to you and get it off this week.

  12. I can't believe how amazing everything about this is! The fabric is so cute and fun and the skirt fits you SO PERFECTLY! And paired with your scarf and jacket, you look so fashionable. It all seems rather bold (for me anyway), but it looks so comfortable and stylish. You should definitely make more skirts!!

    1. Thanks so much Kristin! It has been a long time since I have been called fashionable! I really am so happy to have found this pattern!

  13. This is gorgeous! It looks wonderful on you, and I love how you've styled it. Well done!

    1. That is very kind of you to say Danielle. x

  14. I have the fabric, but never would have thought of making a skirt! Well done!

  15. Absolutely fabulous dahling! Although I'm glad I can contribute to your sale rack habit in my black trousers and jeans ;o)

  16. What a cute skirt! I love the print! I think we have the same situation where I love. Very few women where skirts here, although I think it`s on the rise somehow.

    1. Thanks Megan, it is a fun print. I hope skirt wearing doesn't become too popular, otherwise I won't be able to buy any more bargain priced skirts. :-)

  17. What lovely colours and a really great skirt! And do you really own over 40 skirts?!!!L where do you keep them?!

  18. What a lovely skirt! My best friend actually bought me exactly the same fabric for my birthday, and I've been wondering what to do with it... I wasn't sure if it would work as a garment but I think you've just proven me wrong :) I'm also originally from Scotland (though I now live in Boston, MA) so I love seeing your photos - they make me nostalgic..

  19. Gorgeous fabric - quirky, colourful & very much suits you.

  20. That is a great skirt! I thought I would never be bold enough to make a garment out of that gorgeous fabric and actually wear it but I now I think I might just do it thanks to you! You look stunning in that first full body picture.

    1. Thank you so much Sara! I never thought I'd wear this fabric either, but having the bright and busy print on something away from the face helps to get away with it!


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