Monday, 25 November 2013

Blogger meet up in Scotland

Fancy meeting up with other bloggers in Glasgow?  In fact, you don't even have to have a blog, you could just be interested in sewing, knitting, stitching and fancy a meet-up with like minded folk here in Glasgow.
Kerry who blogs over at Kestrel Makes is just starting to put together some ideas for a meet up on Saturday 1st February.  Pop over to her blog to read more of the details and leave a comment on her blog, with your email address attached, if you might be able to come along.
Glasgow in winter [source]


  1. Are you going? I am so excited, having never been to one of these before! Can't wait! :)

    1. Yes, I do hope so! Will be great to meet you there!

  2. Oh, that sounds wonderful! Have a fantastic time :)

    1. Thanks Danielle. Hope you get a chance to have one closer to home sometime too.

  3. Thanks for posting about this Nessa! x

  4. I have just signed up, excited and nervous already :) A x


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