Saturday, 5 October 2013

Voting has opened

I have never entered any of my home-made items into a competition before now, but having it as an online competition was such an appealing idea.  The online sewing community seem to only comment positively and are otherwise encouraging and constructive when help is needed.
If you have a few minutes, please go over to Celtic Thistle Stitches and have a look at the entries.  There are three categories  - cushions, wall hangings, bags.  You can have one Viewer's Choice vote in each category by clicking on the little love heart of your favourite. Thank you, but the VOTING HAS NOW CLOSED.
Please just vote for your favourites of course, don't feel you have to choose my entry, in fact I won't remind you which one is mine.  Making a stitched item based on a holiday memory is such a lovely idea, hope you might try it yourself some time.

Just so that this post has a photo, here is a picture taken of me on our Anniversary weekend this Summer.  It has been a very pleasant Summer here in Scotland (at last we've had a good one!)
Both these photos were taken on Loch Rannoch.  One day the water was wild and choppy, the next it was calm and reflective.


  1. Wow, that second photo is amazing, what a perfect reflection! I am assuming that is schiehallion in the distance, it is a gorgeous part of the world!

    Voted too!


  2. that reflection photo is amazing, have you printed it, i bet it would look fab on canvas on a wall

  3. It looks idyllic! By the way, I've tried four times to leave a comment on your holiday memory quilt with no luck, so let me say here that I think it's absolutely beautiful! Such a lovely way to commemorate a special holiday. :)

  4. So beautiful there. I'm looking forward to taking a trip to Scotland in the next year or two for our long awaited "honeymoon." :) off to vote!

  5. Wow, gorgeous photos! I voted for you, hope you win!

  6. Good luck :o) I didn't realise you could go out on Loch Rannoch, but then I've mostly been there taking photos at sunset!


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