Thursday, 3 October 2013

Ma Wee Hens Bunting Quilt

At last I have finished the quilt I started piecing at the Edinburgh Stitch Gathering.  Our workshop teacher was Fiona who blogs over at Poppy Makes and the pattern and technique she shared with us can be seen in her own work called the Sweetwater Quilt, if you click on this link you will see just how beautiful her quilt is.  Her quilt and pattern have even been published in Creative Quilting magazine!  Now mine is nowhere near as pretty as Fiona's but it does make me smile to look at it.
I think two of my hens seem pretty happy to look at it too!  I got a bundle of chicken fabric odds and ends in an ebay auction ages ago, when I first started keeping a few backyard hens, and now at last I had a use for them.  (I keep a blog/diary about my hens too, if you are interested)

It is lap quilt size and made out of 2.5" strips of chicken themed fabrics and some solid grey fabric.  I quilted 1cm away from each triangle edge and am thinking about doing some hand quilting in the grey spaces, probably stitching the outlines of chickens!
The back - don't look too closely as I had to do a bit of patching due to
not buying quite enough backing fabric - oops
It is now Autumn here which means Scotland is becoming even more beautiful.  But the one thing that doesn't become more beautiful in Autumn are hens.  Every Autumn hens loose their feathers and grow new ones.  This moulting process makes them appear very scraggy and pitiful and it is certainly not a good time for posing in front of quilts for the world to see!


  1. Wow, you are good - mine has not progressed any further than it did that afternoon, although I love the pattern and really want to finish it! Your chickens are lovely, quilty and real:-)

  2. Oh, my! What a lovely quilt! I love all the hen-themed fabric and your wee ladies seem to appreciate it, too. Scotland in fall *sigh* How I adore Scotland!

  3. What a lovely quilt - I've been saving up pretty bits of fabric to make a quilt at some point :)

  4. This is really cute! I love the one solitary big hen on the back!

  5. Lovely quilt and girls too!
    I used to keep hens at a previous house but had to rehome them when I moved here.I do miss them and keep thinking how nice it would be to have just a little trio of pekin bantams again......

  6. Great job on the quilt, sorry about the moulting chooks!

  7. Aww, what a lovely quilt. I hope your chickens appreciate what they are looking at! ;)


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