Thursday, 4 July 2013

Fabric shopping in the flesh

I recently had to go to the big city for work, and right near the carpark was the shopping mecca for fabric lovers - Mandors of Glasgow.  It is such a novelty for me to actually see and touch real fabric as I live in a rural part of Scotland and rarely get to step inside an actual fabric shop.  I'm more familiar with online shopping.
So here is what I was able to buy in the flesh:
3 metres of floral intended for a dress, 2 metres of measuring tape fabric for a skirt and a little bit of twill tape to secure the neckline of a jersey dress I have in mind to start.

The other "in the flesh" moment was meeting the fabric-savvy Hazel from Disaster in a Dress blog.  I've been reading her blog for a while and now I have actually met her in real life!  Yay!  And boy does she know her way around a fabric shop.  I don't think there's anything she doesn't know about fabric.
A great bonus for me on an otherwise worrying work day.


  1. I love mandors! Been to the Glasgow one before but not edinburgh one, I adore that tape measure fabric

  2. The fabric is fab, love the tape measures!


  3. I keep seeing that tape measure fabric on sewing blogs! I think it may be a sign that I need some in my life too :)
    Can't wait to see the skirt you make with it!

  4. I have never been to Gasgow's Mandors. I have heard it is much better than Edinburgh's store. Must check it out next time I' through there.

    Great fabric! Can't wait to see that skirt!

  5. Nice fabric, that's a lovely floral. I love Mandors, they've got a great selection of fabric in just now, I'm being very restrained though! :)

  6. Hi Nessa I love your fabric choices. I've never been to Mandors, the closest one to me would be Edinburgh, I'll need to look it up - look forward to seeing your makes! :-)

  7. I haven't been to Mandors but it is definitely on my to do list. I love your skrt fabric. Juliex

  8. Nice choices Nessa! Can't wait to see what lovelies you make from your purchases!

  9. It was lovely to meet you too Nessa! I'm sure there's lots about fabric I don't know but I'm good at making stuff up! Hah just kidding, I'm a total fabric geek (and snob, but working in Mandors makes you like that surrounded by amazing fabrics)! Can't wait to see these made up :)

  10. Sounds like fun! That blue floral fabric is especially lovely. I always get a bit intimidated by online fabric shopping - how would you feel about doing a post some time on your favourite sites, what to look for, or watch out for? I'd love to know your thoughts and recommendations!


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