Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Spring Sewing Swap

Kestrel Makes recently hosted a shopping trip, in which those who wanted to join in went shopping for sewing items for somebody else.  I was paired up with Joanne from Sew Little Time.  After exploring and being inspired by her blog for a while I actually enjoyed the process of trying to come up with a few items that she might make use of and enjoy.  Then I got to do some guilt-free and purposeful shopping!
I received my own mystery parcel from Joanne on Monday, when a sweet card with fancy ladies welcomed me to my bundle of goodies:
I really love the little pin tin in the shape of a thatched cottage, and the retractable measuring tape will be so useful.  All those trims too - as soon as I saw the natural coloured trims my imagination started whirring with the possibilities!  And I do love floral and ribbons, so they have certainly come to a loving home.  I've never read this book before so am looking forward to gleaning new tips and ideas from this read.
Thank you so much Joanne!  and thanks to Kestrel Make's for organising this little shopping trip.  If you fancy a peek at what everybody else received, there is a linky party on Kestrel Make's blog.

Do have a look at Joanne's blog - she recently made a very impressive first effort at drafting her own dress for the Mad Men challenge despite only starting sewing fairly recently.  Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of the items I sent her and she hasn't written a blog post about it either.  So for all those curious, I sent her a dress pattern, a knitting book from her home country, some polka dot ribbon and buttons and some hand made stitch holders for her knitting projects.


  1. What a great parcel to receive! And you got so much stuff!! How exciting!

    Claire, my swap partner, and I are posting our parcels this week (due to my holiday and a "what? it's June already?" moment on my behalf too), so I'm looking forward to receiving mine later this week! What good fun this has been!

  2. What a sweet little package of goodies!

  3. What a nice parcel. I love retractable tape measures, I have about 3 and alsoways have one in my handbag, so useful!

  4. aaw, glad you liked it nessa! i need to write my blog post and get it up before i go away tomorrow!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow! Such fabulous treats! I've just posted about my goodies from the lovely Philippa - do come and take a look! Thank-you Kestrel :)

  7. Hi Nessa just come across your lovely blogs - very inspiring! Eilidh :-)

  8. Hi Nessa! Just letting you know that I have nominated you for a Super Sweet Blogging award! http://creatinginthegap.blogspot.ca/

  9. Hi Nessa! I nominated your blog on the super sweet blogging award. http://velvetribbonsew.blogspot.com/2013/07/super-sweet-blogging-award.html
    Have a wonderful day and looking forward to see your next project.


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