Monday, 13 May 2013


I have pledged to wear three of my handmade garments per week for the entire month of May, as well as make 3 new items.  This week has been busy with paperwork and car trouble, so I don't have a new make to share, hopefully I will have something new to share next week.  But I have managed to wear 3 of my handmade garments despite the weather.
Wednesday the 8th started out with a fine misty sort of rain so I was hopeful it would brighten up and went to work with bare legs for the first time this year.
I was wrong and it rained all day.
I made only the skirt.  I bought the fabric from a remnants basket of furnishing fabric in Laura Ashley.  I love it!  I didn't have a pattern so I just copied a much loved skirt from my wardrobe.  You know, I own over 40 skirts and this is the only one I still have that I made myself!

And I love skirts!

Saturday 11th I wore my Butterick 5030 wrap dress and my alpaca scarf. I didn't actually take my coat off this morning but I got a quick photo so that you could better see the dress.

Sunday 12th I wore my McCall's 6503 and a blazer, even though I was indoors today, it is still cold and wet. I have blogged about this dress before, but I didn't put any detail photos in, so I took a photo of the lovely neckline and midriff band to share.  This pattern is my favourite and I really want to make a third version of this for the summer - hoping that we get a summer!

So that is another week gone by!  Hopefully have a new garment to share with you this coming week.


  1. All of these outfits are so lovely - you're having a very stylish MMM! I can see why that pattern is your favourite; it suits you perfectly :) Beautiful fabric too!

  2. Your outfits are gorgeous, I love the Laura Ashley skirt, lovely and springy, if only the weather would behave :)


  3. Nessa - you look so cute! I love all of those garments. But I think my favorite is the photo of B5030 wrap dress with your coat on! Great garments. g


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