Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Kitchen Eye Candy

Just a quick kitchen post.
I recently saw these tea towels and thought they were adorable, so I just had to make them mine!
It is a bit weird to have a post about tea towels, but I think you may agree that it's worth it!
sew a little happiness

make do and mend

cook sew knit bake
there isn't much that I can't do
They came as a set of 6, but these were the most detailed three.  If you're interested, I got them froma UK shop called Next.
*I paid for these with my own money and am not affiliated with this store, in fact I usually don't buy anything from them.

In order to justify this pricey spend on tea towels, here is something I actually made for my kitchen:
My own little egg basket
I have my own hens!  I love them so much!  So I wanted to make something special to collect their little eggies in.
I folded and gathered a strip of the dark blue hen fabric, then stitched it between 2 oval shaped pieces of the light blue hen fabric, with two rectangles of wadding sandwiched in between.  This is to make sure there isn't any wadding in the corners, that way it will fold up around the curves of the basket.  Then I tied a matching hen ribbon to the basket.

What do you think of them?  The word-y one and this green one are both printed and this pink one is made of two fabric pieces machine appliqued on.


  1. Oh I love those tea towels. They are very nice. But your egg basket liner takes the cake! g

  2. Great teatowels, I would never have guessed where they came from. Lovely basket too - I love Westfalenstoffe fabric. Juliex

  3. Those dish towels are fab, love the sewing machine one!

    Youe egg basket is gorgeous, a lot nicer than the old butter carton I use...!!


  4. Very sweet tea towels - they make me feel like baking :)
    And I must remember that basket for when we get our hens (not long now, can't wait!). You just took the fun of egg collecting up a whole other level!

  5. All photos/objects are charming! Across the pond we don't seem to use tea towels as much, and it might also be rarer to find people with their own hens. Am so envious!


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