Sunday, 10 February 2013

Sew Grateful for all the comments

Thank you to all those who entered my giveaway.  I really do appreciate all the comments and the tips to improve my blog.  As you can see, I have used your tips to explore this 'blogger-business' and try out a few of the features.  I look forward to trying a few more - after all, we all like a change, that's why we sew clothes!

I printed all the names and put them in a bowl, and have now chosen the three recipients of my giveaway:

They are as follows:

gccmom, a new blogger at Chosen Sisters is the winner of Mollie Makes magazine issue #15

Kristin who blogs over at Sew Classic is the winner of Mollie Makes magazine issue #17

Sally from thequirkypeach is the winner of Mollie Makes magazine issue #19

Congratulations ladies!
Please contact me via email so we can arrange delivery.


  1. Congratulations everyone! Would love to see posts of anything someone makes from these cool magazines :-)

  2. Love the new header photo! It's fantastic. Congrats to the winners! g


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