Monday, 18 February 2013

Delving into knits!

I have decided to try my hand at sewing with knit fabric.  This will be my first ever attempt.

I was inspired by a fabulous dress made by gMarie.  It looks so comfortable and yet so sophisticated, all at the same time.  And then she went ahead and made another equally stunning version!
So of course I copied her immediately and headed over to the McCall's website where they were having a pattern sale at the time!  Such a bonus!  This pattern is McCall's 6713 and I'm going to do a long-sleeved, knee length version.  I really love the swishy bit that flares out on the skirt - I think it will be fun to wear.
McCall's 6713
Today the fabric I've chosen has arrived in the post - I'm really excited about seeing this dress come to life!  I do hope it won't be too difficult.
Bought this online at Ditto fabrics in the UK


I'll be doing lots of internet browsing to get tips about sewing in knit fabrics, but if you have any links or blogs that feature helpful articles, please let me know - I think I'll need all the help I can get.


  1. I love working with knits! Don't over think it. The hardest part is finding the right setting on your machine, especially if it's a little older. I use a zig-zag on mine and it comes out perfectly. Good luck and I can't wait to see your finished product!

    1. Thanks for the positive thoughts Kristin!! I really am looking forward to the weekend to give it a go!

  2. Fun! A walking foot will be your best friend if you have one. I've also found that a little spray starch and an iron can really help when you're doing a hem. And use a small zigzag stitch with the stitch width larger than the stitch length. Do a bunch of practices on scraps to find the best result. Best wishes!

    1. Thanks for the hemming tip and the practice lots til I find the best stitch width tip! You've been really helpful.

  3. I have never used a walking foot with my knits, but it can help. If you have a serger and are comfortable with it, you can construct most of the dress on your serger. I did not line the bodice or the flare. Instead, I serged clear elastic around the neckline and then folded it under and topstitched. It was high enough that I didn't have to worry about it. g

    1. oooo - I'd love to have a serger!!!!! I wonder if I could explain to my Mister that it was a necessary item?

  4. Hi Nessa, I haven't tried sewing with knits at home yet, but I found this link on a blog last month that I've saved for when I do. Because I haven't tried it, I can't vouch for its helpfulness, but the blog that provided the link seemed very happy with it so might be worth a look?
    Good luck!

    1. FANTASTIC link! Wow that girl knows her knits! Thanks so very much Michelle! I've bookmarked her too.

  5. This dress looks like it's going to be gorgeous! Love the fabric you've chosen :) I haven't sewn with knits much, but I can echo Michelle - Steph from 3 Hours Past is a Knit Guru... Lladybird has a great post on knits too that I found helpful: Good luck - looking forward to seeing it!

    1. The fabric is terrific! So soft too. Thanks for the extra post on knits, Lladybird did have some extra knowledge to share and good tips about hemming and warnings about the grainline! Thanks so much Danielle - Lladybird is now bookmarked!

  6. Oooh your dress is going to look fab, I love the fabric you have chosen!

    Found your blog through the sewing map, now following!



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