Tuesday, 26 November 2019

A skirt!

I made a super easy, simple skirt to attend a wedding.  Only three steps: measure some 2" wide elastic for my waist and sew it together to create an elastic circle. Sew a side seam up the fabric to create a tube of fabric. And to finish, stretch the elastic as I sew it onto the fabric.  No hem required.  One elastic-waisted skirt all finished. 

But it is the fantastic, hand-printed fabric that makes this skirt anything but simple.  Look at this sumptuous, hand-printed gold leaf border!

I loved wearing it to the winter wedding.
The person who took this photo was tall, so
puts the gold border in the shadows, but it's
the only photo I have of the skirt on the day!

Unfortunately, I cannot remember where I bought the fabric panel from. I have been googling it, going through old receipts, but I can't find it. I do remember seeing it on instagram stories well over a year ago, and I bought it immediately.  The panel of fabric was £60 at the time.

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