Saturday, 31 March 2018

Hap for Harriet

I finished my green shawl back in August but haven't written about it until now.  Mostly because it took soooooooooo long and was so boring to knit. (also because my photos are a bit awful) This is probably the most boring thing I have ever knit.
It is beautiful in its simplicity though, and the colour is my absolute favourite colour.  Emerald green.  So I shouldn't complain too much.  Perhaps I have just become so used to ever-changing patterns of cables, lace or colourwork to be completely satisfied with a more simple design feature.
But here it is, the simply classic design "Hap for Harriet".


  1. Well it looks lovely - sorry it was boring!

  2. Gorgeous! And I love that it’s fine enough to be worn as a delicate cowl!


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