Thursday, 3 December 2015

Star Wars The Force Awakens : The Skirt

I have made a gift for a Star Wars fan!
The lines and style of this skirt reminded me of Boba Fett's helmet so I knew I couldn't go wrong with Vogue pattern 9132.

Some changes I made

It is a very short skirt, so I added two centimetres to make it 50cm in length, but even then it was still a bit short so I used bias tape along the hem and just turned it up 1/4" instead.

I didn't use the recommended fabric, which is "Gaberdine, crepe, linen, lightweight woolens" I used cotton instead.  I really like that it looks a bit like a check pattern from a distance and you only see the logo close up.  The Star Wars fabric is a fully licensed product from Camelot Fabrics

The skirt pattern is for a fully lined skirt.  But I couldn't believe there was no separate lining pattern piece!  The instructions ask you to use the same pieces for the skirt!  Can you imagine doing four more of those curves in lining fabric?!  No thank you!  So I made the skirt pieces up, front and back(including the zip), then before sewing the side seams I just lay the skirt front on top of my lining fabric and cut out a piece exactly the same size.  I did the same with the back. It fit perfectly when I sewed the lining to the skirt at the waist band.

Some tips if you are going to sew this pattern

Sewing these curves was a bit of a pain, I had to undo all four of them and try again.  If you make this skirt I would recommend after stay-stitching and then snipping the curve on the T-shaped or L-shaped fabric piece, have it underneath when stitching together.  Stitch slowly, hold each fabric and slowly bring them together under the foot.
Not perfect

Also, the little triangle pieces that are supposed to line up - they didn't.  Whichever end I started at, the first two little triangles matched up but after sewing the curve the second ones never did.  But by the time I stitched all the way to the ends of the fabric it matched up just fine at the ends.

I also thought it was quite an exaggerated A-line, so once I got my friends waist and hip measurements I just drew a straight line down to the hem instead of sticking to the wider hem line for her size.  I think I brought it in 3 sizes at the hem.

I do hope she wears it to the premiere of the new movie, as she has reserved tickets for a VIP theatre on the night of it's release!  Fingers crossed it fits!


  1. Such a lovely gift for a Star Wars fan! Well done on the lining pieces, sewing these curves in slippery lining fabric must be even harder!

    1. Thanks Marianne! Yes, I wonder if anyone will actually sew those curves in lining fabric?

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Benta. I feel my "garment-making-drought" may be over.

  3. Cute Nessa! This is why sewing is so can sew something very custom for a friend. Thanks for the tip on sewing those crazy curves.

    1. Thanks so much Margo! It's a cute pattern, so hopefully I can help someone else by writing a few bits about what helped me.

  4. What a thoughtful friend you are Nessa! Your friend will be the envy of all at the premiere :)

  5. This is so cool! Thanks for the's helpful to know other Sewists challenges!


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