~The handy sewing project for those days/weeks that you don't feel like sewing!
This summer I have found that I don't want to sew anything on my sewing machine. I don't even want to sit at the desk or even play with my fabric collection! But hobbies can be a bit like that, they seem to have moods and preferences all of their own. So instead of doing nothing at all, I decided to see if there was a cross stitch pattern that I might like to try.
And then down the rabbit hole I went! Have you ever seen the world of Floss Tube? (It's a # term you can search for on You Tube - go on, I dare you) It's full of people sharing their cross stitching WIPs, stash, plans and having sew-alongs together. Most videos are a crafty woman looking at the camera and holding things up to show you something every now and then. Some of them are really pleasant to listen to whilst stitching, a bit like listening to a podcast, but I can just look up when they say they're about to show you their piece of work. Some of the videos I have to skip due to the large amount of "Ums", (it's something that jumps out into my ears and I just can't bear) but most of them are enjoyable, some are informative and some could even enable more spending!
So, here is what I am working on this summer:
Mermaid of the Pearls by Mirabilia Designs
I took a photo after each day of stitching, some days I did none, some days not much and some days a whole lot was accomplished.
Sessions 1 - 5 |
Sessions 6 - 10 |
Sessions 11 - 15 |
Sessions 16 - 20 |
The original design's face just didn't appeal to me so I changed it slightly and much prefer my changes.
I drew the original design on the graph paper to the right, then kept the chin and lips on my drawing on the left and drew my own nose, forehead and eye. |
Now I am up to working on the armful of treasure. It's slow going but I am really enjoying it. Cross stitch is very relaxing and the slow growth and unveiling of the finished piece brings me a lot of joy and satisfaction.
P.S. For my own records:
I have done a Mirabilia Design before (2002) and it is hanging proudly above my bed. She is called
The Dreamer (this chart is now out of print).
She's very peaceful looking and I love all the rich colours used.
apologies for the glass glare |