Sunday, 8 February 2015

There's a Bug on my Skirt!


I loved this curtain fabric from Ikea when I first saw it but I just couldn't imagine what I could do with it and so I passed it by.  But the lovely seed heads and beetles didn't leave my mind and I would sometimes find myself thinking about them.  So I mulled it over and came up with the idea that it could so easily be a very wearable skirt!

After making and then wearing my Roald Dahl Matilda skirt, I knew I didn't want a flared, pleated skirt again, as despite the thicker, upholstery-style cotton, it often blew up in the wind, and a bit too much thigh was exposed when I bent over.

So this time I have gone for a straight skirt.  I had been kindly given a collection of patterns from moonthirty last year, and this OOP pattern had a perfect, plain straight skirt.  (mind you, when I opened the pattern up there were no instructions - I may have misplaced them!  But I think I've managed fine without them)  Simplicity 4950 is out of print now but can still be purchased on ebay, etsy, etc.  It has a buttonless jacket in two lengths, a darted sleeveless top, trousers and a straight skirt.  I have enough fabric left over that I may make the sleevless top too.

There was a freezing wind today, but the sun was shining so we thought we'd better make the most of the blue skies and take a few photos of the skirt.
I really love the leafy fronds and the animals on this skirt, but I had to be very careful with the pattern placement of some of the seed-head illustrations.

My Alterations

I didn't put in the side split as I couldn't find the instructions but I also didn't think it needed one.
I added 4" to the length when cutting out, but still turned the hem up the recommended 1 1/4".
I cut out the size 24 but added 1" to all side seams.  This helped to make the skirt gently skim over my tummy, but I wish I had only added the extra width starting at the hips and not from the waist.
Either the skirt is meant to be low slung and sit lower than the natural waist, or I have now made the skirt too big around the waist.
This is the amount of room I have in the waist at the back.
I will unpick the facing at the back and take those two waist darts in another inch, then readjust the facing and reattach it.  That should make it more fitted across the back, and hopefully it will then sit on my natural waist instead of dropping down below the waist.
This skirt has two darts at the front and two at the back, a facing waistband, an invisible side zip and overlocked edges.  It was fairly quick to put together and once I have perfected the fit of the darts in the back to account for the difference between my bottom and my waist, I think I will have a very easy-to-use skirt pattern!
One last picture; I couldn't wait to get my coat back on!  But the scenery up the Glen is just lovely!


  1. It has made a brilliant skirt, and I think you were very brave facing what looks like a baltic blast of cold wind to model it so beautifully:-)

  2. This fabric is perfect for this skirt! Sometimes a straight skirt is better to showcase a print. I love how this is a practical colour, but still really fun and interesting! Perfect skirt!!

  3. What a great print! I never see anything this fab in ikea!

  4. What a great print! I never see anything this fab in ikea!

  5. What a great print! I never see anything this fab in ikea!

  6. Nessa - I love this! This looks amazing! You look fantastic. g

  7. I've got some of this lovely print in my stash too. I love how it looks as your skirt (I may have to be a big copier!) ;-)

  8. What fantastic fabric! The skirt looks lovely, the patten is very similar to the one I used to make my cord skirts, I graded it up and made the waist too big as well!

  9. Fabulous fit, looks very comfy and what a find at IKEA...will have do some serious searching at my IKEA. What a beautiful area you live in. Keep warm!

  10. Great skirt Nessa! When you keep thinking about a fabric over and over again, it's probably time to buy! This happens to me too and I know then that I will not regret my purchase.

  11. Great use of that fabric! I bought some hexie patterned home decor weight in a Mandors sale about 3 years ago to make a skirt. It's, erm, still folded up and waiting...

  12. This skirt is very cool, the print is fantastic and really suits you. You must have been freezing taking those pictures :)


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