Sunday, 4 May 2014

Finished Quilt for Diane

This is my 'easiest quilt top ever' using two charm packs (previously explained here) and it is now completed and bound, ready for gifting to a dear lady named Diane.  She isn't an internet user so I am happy to share it on here before she receives it.
I did the quilting myself on a long-arm machine at Beechwood quilting, which I wrote about here.  Diane likes bumble bees and so I tried my hand at a few bees and flowers in a variegated thread.
It is by no means perfect, but it is my first attempt, and I really enjoyed the quilting process.  I'm either brave or naive to have chosen a plain fabric for the back, most likely naive, as patterned prints hide mistakes so much better!
And one last final photo before it is rolled up and gifted:
How could a 65 year old lady not love this? - or at least the affection and effort involved anyway.

I'll be linking up this finish with Katy's Finish Along, as it is one of my five Q2 goals that I had hoped to complete by the end of Spring, and now I have finished 3 out of my 5 projects on my list!  Yay!


  1. I'm no expert but your quilting looks great to me! I'm sure your friend will love it!

  2. What a fabulous gift! I'm sure it will be much loved and appreciated. Your quilting looks great. It's so easy to see slight imperfections in your own work when others don't notice at all.

  3. So lovely. Of course she will love it! And 3 out of 5 done already? Brilliant!

  4. I love the bees, such a fab idea! I bet your friend will love it!

  5. Oh Nessa this quilt is so lovely! I adore the bees and they really do look like bees! Your quilting is starting to give me the quilting bug again!

  6. Lovely colours, and fab quilting; he plain back is a perfect choice so the quilting can be admired!!!

  7. Your friend is going to love this.

  8. Thanks so much everybody!! You are all so encouraging to me. xx

  9. Blown away! You are so very gifted.

  10. Oops, apparently I forgot to congratulate you on this at the time, sorry!


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