Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Swoon Worthy Sewing

I have been enjoying some simple sewing lately, a great thing to do if you only have a small window of time in the evenings.  I do the cutting out in one evening and lay out all my squares and rectangles on my ironing table ready for the next evening, when I pull my sewing machine closer and get on with the sewing!  My workspace looks a bit like this at the moment, with lots of little clipped triangles that escaped the bin.
Here's Mr Bingley, jumping onto my chair
as soon as I'm up!

The patchwork block pattern that I've been tinkering away at is called Swoon, designed by Camille Roskelley at Thimbleblossoms.

Each of the star/flower blocks take two fat quarters of fabric as well as some background fabric.  Above is the first one that I made, I tried to cut out the little girls carefully so as not to decapitate any of them.  My second attempt went okay too, just a few houses and trees on their side, but at least the little ladies are safe and well.
The fabric is a Fat Quarter bundle I bought from Westwood Acres, a US online store.  The cute little prints are part of a collection called Country Girls designed by Tasha Noel who writes a blog called A Little Sweetness.
The third and fifth ones were a bit easier, inside the checkerboard print there were occasionally some words that I had to try my best to keep up the correct way, which I think I managed.
Each of these blocks are 24" square, and there will be nine of them altogether, so the final quilt will be quite large when it is finished.

So that is five made so far, including today's one - made with Mr Bingley's "help."



  1. I love how different all the blocks look just by changing the tone of petals and Mr Bingley is such a pretty cat!

    1. Thanks Rachel-Lou. That is exactly what caught my eye and imagination too when I saw this quilt block. Depending on the tones used, you can make the star or the petals the dominant shape. It seems to make them all look like different blocks despite them being exactly the same.

  2. Gorgeous! Previous comment described them well, the different fabrics all work so well

  3. This will be a super quilt - quite tempted to make a large block quilt................

  4. Beautiful. I haven't tried a swoon but do really love the block. Mr Bingley is gorgeous too. Juliex

  5. The blocks are gorgeous, the are all so different but go so well together! Mr Bingley looks gorgeous and super fluffy, exactly the type of cat that would have me cuddling him then running for the antihistamine! A x

  6. The blocks are lovely great colour combination

    1. Thanks Ruth! Wait til you see the next few colour combos that are going into this quilt! They're a bit different...!?

  7. I'm just imagining the stress of avoiding decapitation there!

  8. I'm always fascinated by your quilting, Nessa!! And I loooove your kitty! :)

  9. That looks like great fun Nessa, and those little girls are very cute! I am with Rachel- Lou on this one. It's surprising how different the colour combinations make them look x al

    1. It really is a fun pattern! I love the combinations of dark and light on these blocks too. It's always a surprise!

  10. Loving your quilt blocks, they are stunning! I'm still taking it steady joining squares. Look forward to seeing the finished quilt.

    1. Thank you so much Julia! Squares are the best place to start! My first quilt was all 2.5" squares and I loved making it!

  11. How lovely and well done on not beheading any of the little girls!


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