Monday, 10 March 2014

Pattern bundle Giveaway

I have a bundle of dress patterns to give away to one lucky reader!  Yay!

I won a bundle of patterns from Tanya who blogs over at Mrs Hughes, a lovely lady who not only makes beautiful dresses but fosters dogs and gives them a loving home until they can find their forever families.
Winning this bundle comes with two provisos.  Firstly that when you receive the bundle you can choose whichever patterns you'd like to keep, and secondly you then add some of your own patterns to the bundle  and host a giveaway on your own blog!  All you have to do is leave a comment at the bottom of this post!

Here are the patterns that are now currently in the giveaway.  Click the images to see them full size:
These three patterns start at size 14.
The jacket goes up to size 20, the two dresses go up to size 22.
These two dresses start at size 16.
 The one on the left goes up to 24, and on the right up to 22
Both of these patterns have a size range of 18 - 24
These three range from large to extra extra large
These two patterns have a good size range in them:
The dress on the left ranges from extra small to extra large.
The tunic on the right is extra extra small to extra extra large
This pattern has only two sizes, large and extra large
The casuals pattern on the left ranges from US sizes 18 - 34,
and the dress on the right is 26 - 32
As you can tell, this pattern bundle is full of lots of sewing goodness for a voluptuous figure.  Perhaps if these patterns aren't for you, you may know someone who would love to be alerted to this Giveaway?  Please feel free to share this giveaway on IG, twitter or send a link to any sewing buddies who'd like an injection of new patterns into their stash!  
THE RULES (originally by Karen at Did You Make That - copied and slightly amended)
·        Anyone, anywhere can enter the giveaway by posting a comment below by midnight March 31st, GMT, but you must have an active blog, so that you can host your own giveaway.
·        I will randomly select a winner.
·        Each winner will then pick a selection of patterns to keep for themselves, and host their own giveaway throwing some new choices into the mix and then send the patterns to the next person who will also be randomly chosen.
·        All patterns are in the plus size category – ie – if the pattern comes in 2 sizing groups, then it will be the larger category. Patterns used to replenish the stock need to go up to at least a size 20 (most go higher). Patterns listed as “all sizes” will include plus sizes.
·        We are taking it on trust that all pattern pieces are there.
·        If you’re a winner, I would love it if you could make a small contribution to The Brooke. This is a charity close to the heart of Catherine, who so generously provided the original patterns. These plus-sized patterns have been contributed by me in the spirit of the generosity of the sewing community.
·        Please engage in a timely fashion, launching your own giveaways soon after receiving a parcel
·        You must be be happy to post patterns worldwide.

These are the patterns I am also adding into the Giveaway from my own collection:  Gertie dress sizes 14 - 22, summer casuals patterns sizes 18 - 22, and costume sizes 26 - 32  These are all brand new and uncut.

So that is it!  All the pattern goodness ready to be sent your way!  All you have to do is leave a comment below and I'll enter your name into the draw!


  1. I'm glad you found some patterns in there that will work for you! Sorry I am a slow and forgetful package sender! Enjoy. :)

  2. What a great idea - use, rotate and pass on!

  3. Awesome idea Nessa, totally count me in for this! :)


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