Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Reflections and Reasons why I am Sew Grateful

I am Sew Grateful for the online sewing community.  Sewing for me is a quiet and isolated hobby that I enjoy very much.  I don't have music on and I only watch TV if I'm hand sewing in the loungeroom.  The actual room I sew in is very quiet and I can't even see out of the window unless I stand on my tippy toes.  (It is the room pictured in my Nessa's Place blog header - my sewing desk is opposite this shot, behind the camera)

Despite this silent and solitary state of affairs, I never feel alone when I sew.

I do have a voice to share and explain my projects on my blog.  I can communicate with other stitchers by commenting on their blogs and Instagram pictures.  I listen to the opinions, ideas and methods of others and can try them out for myself.  I think ahead about my ideas and processes that I might like to share too.

Before I knew about the online sewing community, I would ask my Mother, but with her living far away from me in Australia, if I ever needed help with something, I would have to wait until our time difference made a phone call suitable to ask her advice.  Now I can search for tutorials, construction videos, pattern reviews and style and fit photos to help me whenever I am in need of guidance.
My mother sewed our clothes growing up, both my Grandmothers sewed, and most of my Aunts sew too.  I am Sew Grateful to have been exposed to such a useful and creative set of skills.
My Mum and I in 2010
Having so much help and inspiration on hand via the internet has increased my stitching motivation immensely, and I no longer feel like sewing is a skill or pleasure to be embarrassed about or to shy away from owning up to enjoying.  I am proud to create lovely things using all kinds of stitching!
Sew Thank YOU fellow stitchers!

Today Debi has a link-up where you can post your own reflections about the Online Sewing Community and reasons why you are Sew Grateful.  Do go over and read some of the posts here.  There are so many inspiring women amongst us!

Debi has a linky party with lots of Sew Grateful giveaways well worth entering.


  1. This is just lovely - what a beautiful tribute to the online community :) And I've so appreciated all your comments and encouragement to me over the past year; you really make blogland a wonderful place to be!

    1. Thank you so much Danielle. I really appreciate your supportive comments on my blog too.

  2. Yes, it's funny, I don't physically see the people I chat away with each evening and weekend (most of the time), but I never feel alone with the online community either :o)

  3. This is so lovely - and so true! When I started sewing I was so alone physically, but there are so many lovely people to connect with around the world. And I really love following your blog, and you always have such wonderful and helpful comments on my blog. I'm really grateful you're online and sewing. :-)

    1. Thank yo so much for that Kristin! It is such a special opportunity to reach out across the internet and encourage others, I do enjoy commenting on blogs. And your blog is easy to write positive things about!

  4. Great sentiments, the online sewing community is great for giving us friendship in an essentially solitary hobby.

    1. Thanks for your comment Louise, iyou have worded that perfectly.

  5. This is fantastic!! It is so true how wonderfully supportive and never alone I feel…it's so fantastic to share each other's adventures!! I am SO HAPPY we got to meet up (and we must do it more!!)

  6. A lovely post, Nessa! The online community is such a truly inspirational, supportive place. I love it! And I echo Debi's sentiment about meeting up! X

  7. Lovely post! Also, pretty jealous of your gorgeous sewing spot - love that sewing box!

  8. Such lovely sentiments. I think many of us are so grateful to have this community to share with and learn from. I think it truly makes me want to sew more creatively! I am happy to have met you here!

  9. You said it well. My sewing was lonely before I knew about the sewing community too!

    1. Thanks for your comments Philippa! The online sewing community really is a community isn't it - and anyone can join it!

  10. That's lovely ! I've learnt do much fin other bloggers too, how ever did we cope before?

  11. Lovely post and so true! A x


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