Sunday, 12 January 2014

Winter Sewing Plans

There have been so many year round-ups and year-long resolution plans in my blog reader!  But I am not going to layout a whole years worth of goals as you never know what is around the corner.  So I am going to keep my goals seasonal.
Winter is the perfect month for any and all forms of stitching.  Dark and cold outside, warm and glowing inside.  I am hoping to get a few things finished before the end of March, and am linking up this list of goals with Katy's Finish-A-Long.  My goals for Winter are as follows:
1.  To turn this lovely tartan wool fabric my Mister gave me as an anniversary gift into a long skirt.  I received this pattern as a gift from Jeri.

2.  To finish all the applique blocks for the In My Garden quilt I've been working on for a long time now.  I'd be really thrilled to get the last four blocks of the patchwork top all completed by March.  As I plan to hire the use of a long-arm machine to quilt some of it, as well as some hand quilting, I will save that part of the quilt finishing until the Spring.

3.  ClaireEPoppins gifted me a Moda charm pack, so I bought another one the same and have sewn  them into 35 square-in-a-square blocks.  I would like to get these sewn together and then come up with an interesting border to make it bigger and to have it bound and quilted by the end of March.  It will be a gift for an older lady friend.

4.  I'd like to use these Sweet Life fat quarters to create a baby quilt for a dear friend who lives far away.  I'd like to try the dresden plate idea for these too.

You might like to think about linking up any jobs that need finishing too, as there are prizes up for grabs for anyone who finishes the items on their list!  For more rules and info click here.
Finish Along 2014
Click here to go to the Link-Up


  1. So lovely to see you making use of the charm pack. Looking fwd to seeing it finished and how you get on with your other goals!

  2. Some achievable goals Nessa . I think it's better to have small list. I am just aiming to make more tops and dresses and use my stash.

  3. Looks like a reasonable list, good luck :o)

  4. All your projects look like really enjoyable and satisfying ones. Looking forward to seeing your progress on them over winter!

  5. I like the idea of a small list rather than a huge year list! Can't wait to see all your finished items :)


  6. Yay for smaller goals! These are great ones, Nessa! Your quilts look beautiful.

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