Saturday, 21 December 2013

Peerie Flooers, A Fair Isle Finish

I have completed my first ever Fair Isle knitted item and am so pleased with it!
I had no idea the crown would look so lovely once finished

I learnt how to do Fair Isle two-handed stranded knitting at an evening workshop with Deborah Gray, which I have posted about here.  Now a couple of photos of the hat inside-out to show the stranding.

Deborah has made up these kits that include an original Kate Davies pattern as well as the exact measurements of wool required to complete the hat.  Such a good idea to buy it as a kit, as I have already started looking into creating another Fair Isle hat but having to purchase entire balls of wool just for a few rows of colour really makes the total cost add up!
The pattern is called Peerie Flooers, meaning small flowers and is by Kate Davies, a stunning blog if you enjoy knitting design and Scottish landscapes.
I knitted the medium sized hat which is slightly slouchier than the one Kate wears in the photos on her blog.
I loved knitting in the round and using the 'magic loop' idea.  Stranding the wool in two hands was easy and I didn't have any tangling problems at all!   Thanks so much to Kate for such a pretty pattern.  I am hoping to start the Scatness tam next!  And Thanks to Deborah for teaching these techniques to me.  She even talked me through the pattern over the phone when I needed help starting on the crown!  


  1. What a beautiful hat! It's absolutely lovely. And what an amazing class. I learnt 2 handed fair isle knitting earlier this year, it's very fun, no? How amazing that your teacher was available via phone to help. g

  2. What an amazing hat, gorgeous!


  3. Very fancy, I can't even begin to imagine where to start one of these!

  4. I loved the hat when i first saw it on Kate's blog. You have done a lovely job -the kits are a great idea. I think it will be some time before I'm ready to tackle fair isle though! juliex

  5. Wow! That is beautiful, and just as pretty on the inside! I love it! It's so cheerful for winter!

  6. That's just beautiful! What a lovely job you've done; it's immaculate inside and out. Fair Isle is on my goal list for next year, so if this is an example of a first attempt I'm much encouraged!

    1. Thanks Danielle! It was much simpler than I thought it would be, and well worth getting someone to show you, that really gave me confidence to have a try.

  7. The hat is so beautiful! I love the idea of using a kit too - I tend to put off colors for that very reason. I'm looking forward to seeing the Scatness Tam!

    1. Thanks Kristin! I guess long-time knitters have accumulated lots of small bits of coloured wool so they would easily be able to create a Fair Isle hat from their scraps. Unfortunately I haven't accumulated enough coloured left-over pieces yet.
      The Scatness looks lovely doesn't it!? I hope to start it in the new year!

  8. That is so cool! I can't even imagine how you did that! I'm such a knitting newbie that changing colors and doing designs is like rocket science to me!

  9. Gorgeous hat. Love the work of Kate Davies.


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