Saturday, 26 October 2013

Voting is still open

After seeing two favourite bloggers Margo and Julia enter into the Project Sewn competition, I decided to add an entry too.  There is only one more day of voting to go, so I also thought it wouldn't hurt to put in a mention here about it.  Would love it if you could go over and have a look, I am dress number 14, but of course do vote for whichever dress you think sums up a person's Signature Style.
Project Sewn Signature Style Competition.
Thanks so much everybody!  You might even see some new bloggers to follow - I did!
NOTE: Voting has now closed.  I came third!  Wa-hee!!  Thank you so much for your support!
This is the dress I have entered - perfect for this weather


  1. Great Nessa! This dress suits you and you beautiful scenery! I'm headed over to vote! Good luck!

  2. I voted for you! I just love your dress!! Good luck!

  3. Thank you so much for voting for me! x I really do appreciate it.

  4. I love your dress and it has inspired me to use my pattern!


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