Sunday, 22 September 2013

Autumn Sewing Plans

Fall Esssentials Sew Along 2013
I have decided that I need some motivation to get me back into some garment sewing, and I saw this and thought I would give it a try.  I enjoyed the camaraderie and support from previously joining a flickr group and so am looking forward to see how other people challenge themselves alongside my own sewing challenge.
The sew along challenge can be found written in full here.  There are 7 categories in total, but I am going to be sensible and am aiming to complete 4. So without further ado, here are my Autumn Sewing plans:

Under the category of Baby It's Cold Outside, I am going to make a Harris tweed waistcoat.  I already have the tweed as well as a blazer/jacket pattern that I can use if I leave out the sleeves.  I just need to find a gorgeous fabric to line it with.
Vogue 8333
The next category for me is Fabulous Frocks. I am going to make another version of my Highland tunic.  I think I will do it in a navy knit if I can find a nice thick one and will omit the collar and sleeves so that it is more of a pinafore style and then I can wear shirts and jumpers underneath.

My third chosen category will be Fashionable Foundations for Frosty Weather, a garment for below the waist.  I shall make a self-drafted skirt with a waistband and tucks for work.  No thick material required as the heating is very effective where I work, so I will probably make it in cotton, unless I am tempted by corduroy whilst online shopping for the navy knit!
I may use the fabric on the right for my skirt.

The last category I shall tackle if I get a chance is Chic Chemises for Cool Climates, which is basically a top of any description.  For this I think instead of making something new I shall re-work the sleeves, shoulders and collar of a knitted jacket that I made but was very disappointed with the final fit.  It's a Debbie Bliss pattern, and I had no idea at the time that she purposely designs her patterns to have excessive ease.  Not just normal wearing ease but 80s boxy shoulders, wearing your Dad's clothes kind of ease.  I won't be knitting her patterns ever again, but I would like to rescue this one item from the bin if I can.

So there you have it, my sewing plans for the next two months.  Here is a link to the flickr group, just in case you were thinking of joining in too, and the link to the original idea is in my sidebar on the right, or you can click here.


  1. That jacket pattern is divine - I can't wait to see it in Harris tweed!
    I agree with you about Debbie Bliss patterns - I found them a nightmare to work with in the past, and I've also had a terrible experience with her yarn range too. I'm looking forward to seeing how you rescue your cardi!

  2. That jacket pattern is stunning! It will be fabulous in a Harris tweed as a waistcoat. This is a great plan. This looks like fun - I might go check it out. I've been slowly sewing dresses.

    Oh and Debbie Bliss - her patterns always look lovely, but then they leave a bit to be desired, don't they? Hope you are able to save the cardigan. Have you considered cutting the armholes and sewing them up with your machine? g

  3. You have some wonderful plans. I think the waistcoat will be stunning with a gorgeous contrast lining. Good luck with the cardigan re-do - I think you're very brave! But I guess if it isn't right and you won't like wearing it, it is best to try and rescue it. Juliex

  4. Looks like a good plan, and Rachael from ImagineGnats is having a selfish sewing week this week too, which you could possibly win prizes in :o)

  5. That's amazing Nessa, good luck, I love your highland tunic, such a pretty picture of you as well.

  6. Your plans sound great, that jacket pattern is gorgeous, I was just admiring a Joules tweed waistcoat, can't wait to see yours!


  7. What a great way to kick-start motivation! Good on you :) I think you've planned all your projects really well. Looking forward to seeing them all!

  8. I am also planning on using that jacket pattern this fall! :) I want to make one (with sleeves though) out of some forest green plaid wool I just got. We can almost be twinsies! Lol! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your makes!

  9. These are all fabulous projects Nessa! I have the Vogue blazer pattern as well but haven't tackled it yet. You are inspiring me with all your fall/cool weather projects. Thanks!

  10. The Highland Tunic looks warm and cozy! Great plans!

  11. I have that vogue jacket pattern for a couple of years now but never seem to find the right fabric for it.Looking forward to seeing your version.I love the Highland tunic dress too.
    Selfish sewing week sounds fun so I might have to have a look at that!

  12. just a few projects then??? i love the tunic, are you taking orders?


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