Monday, 29 July 2013


At the end of August I am going to a Stitch Gathering in Edinburgh.  A choice of two out of a possible 6 workshops were available, and I am fortunate to be enrolled in both of my first choices! I love it when that happens.  On the day we will be getting a goodie bag, coffee breaks and lunch all provided.  Sounds like a lot of fun to me.
We were sent a fabric ticket to create a colourful patchwork block, and assigned a person to create a name-tag for, which I have posted about previously.
I recently received the supplies list and so have enjoyed a little online shopping for the few bits and pieces that I didn't already have.

Three new things

In preparation for spending a day in patchworker's heaven, here are a few things that I have been making:
I had previously made a large ironing board that sits next to my desk along with a large cutting mat.  So this week I have made a mini board using a piece of hard board from the back of an unused picture frame.
This mini ironing board is the same size as my mini cutting mat and fits perfectly into my sewing machine travelling bag!
I also made a padded, drawstring bag for all my sharp tools to be safely carried within.
And the last thing that I NEEDED was a ring pin-cushion.  I got the idea from a Amy's Crafty Shenanigans blog and then googled for a tutorial, and found one here.  I first made the red one and it turned out as pointy as a gnome's hat, so I decided to make another one but this time with a curved top.  I thought more carefully about my fabric choice and used a fabric design that says "make some quilts" on one side and "take it easy" on the other.

I am really looking forward to doing the two workshops that I signed up for, and looking forward to meeting like-minded creative women.  I will let you know how it goes.


  1. I rather like the pointy gnome's hat finger pincushion! Those are some adorable bags. Have a great time at the event! g

  2. Have a wonderful time! You're very well equipped :) Looking forward to seeing the weekend's (?) results!

  3. It sure sounds like it's going to be fun! I love the inventive travel supplies and bags that you've created!

  4. I love those ring pincushion! So cute. The ironing boards are a great idea too! So smart and well prepared you will be for the gathering. Have a great time!


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