Friday, 5 April 2013

My Fancy Magic Marking Pen

Now this is one dressmaking pen that you will love!

It is not specifically designed for sewing, but many people do use it on material, and for a very good reason...


How fantastic is that?!

Here is a little video I made using the pen demonstrating how unbelievable it is:

(I chose the demonstration fabric because it was cute, but just to let you know, it does already have little black flecks in it, and these weren't made by the pen)
I bought this as a 3 pack in the stationery aisle at the supermarket, for about £6.  A while ago I'd been told about them by a quilter, but this week has been the first chance I've had to actually go into the supermarket and see them for myself.  (We get our groceries delivered usually, so I do miss browsing the aisles)

Usually I use tailors chalk for dressmaking and a fade-away pen for crafty things, but sometimes the chalk doesn't go away until I wash the garment and every now and then I press too long with the fade-away pen and it doesn't fade away.  Hopefully this will be my new go-to fabric marking pen.
Would be interested to know what marking tools you favour!

Please note: I bought these pens at retail price with my own money, I am not affiliated with this pen making company (nor the iron company) in any way, and these words are all my own observations.


  1. I think I need to get myself one of those!

  2. This is genius! I'll have to track one of these down...thanks for sharing!


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