Tuesday, 16 April 2013

International Craft Swap

I have made a little gift for a clever sewing blogger in New Zealand, as part of House of Pinheiro's International Craft Swap.  The idea is to hand make something Nautical and add this to a small gift for an international sewing enthusiast.  Everybody who wanted to participate was paired up and I was partnered with the very talented Kat from New Zealand.
Kat has an amazing collection of vintage patterns, so much so that she runs a separate website just to catalogue them all.  She is also very organised with her fabric and notions collections.  Such an organised and imaginatively creative person could surely want for nothing that she couldn't create herself...
So instead of looking at her sewing world, I took my inspiration from the recent addition to her home, a lovely baby boy.  This gave me some direction to chose bright, bold blues but not what to use them for.  Then I asked the blogging community for some help, which turned up this little gem:
Nautical detail of my International Craft Swap.

Can you guess what it is yet?

Lunch bag made at Nessa's Place for Kat.
This is a lunch bag meant to carry those square compartmentalised Bento boxes.  It has a drawstring lid to keep things from falling out.
Really it could be used for anything = small crafty projects or even for little boys to collect all their toys and treasures inside.  I'm sure there will be lots of uses for this Nautical bag.  I hope Kat finds it useful.

The lunch bag has a draw string opening and is fully lined.
The tutorial is from Ayumi's website the Pink Penguin.  It is a well written and clearly photographed tutorial.
I did make a practice one before I made this one, which I blogged about previously.

In Conclusion

This challenge brought up lots of food for thought.  What to make for someone who can make things for themselves, along with a lot of 'what will she think' worries.  But in the end, it is only a small gift and it really is the thought that counts - the idea of having a handmade gift arrive in the post from the other side of the world, a special something that somebody has put a lot of thought and time into creating, just for me.  That is a heart warming thought in deed.
And finally, the 'what will she think' worries?  I have learnt that all sewing bloggers really want to encourage and support one another with kindness and a generosity of spirit.
...Now let's just hope the Postal Service doesn't let me down...I haven't heard if it's arrived yet..eek!
IT HAS ARRIVED! Yay!  And Kat likes both the bag and the little gifts I sent.  She is planning to take her lunch to work in this tomorrow.  Success.


  1. I really love this, as I said on Flickr!

    I had very similar doubts about what to make and about my quality and standard of sewing. Ironically, in the end both Louise (my swap partner) and I made needle cases for each other. These were something we both needed and had the ability to make, but never seemed to quite get round too. It just goes to show that even though you *can* make something, you don't always do it! And as you say, the thought of something handmade JUST FOR YOU arriving through the post is joy in itself! Can't wait to see what you receive in return!

  2. This is gorgeous! Your choice of fabric is perfect!


  3. SO cute, I am sure she will love it. I remember a funny seagull story from New Zealand when we were on holiday there. We were all eating fush and chups ( that is how New Zealanders say fish and chips ) and it was a very very windy day. There was a sea gull flying just above our heads into the wind and it did not move at all and it kept on going for ages and ages !We all thought when is this seagull going to give up ( We thought it was funny anyway . )

  4. You've done such a lovely job with this! It looks so stylish and really practical. I really like the way you've combined the different prints, too - gorgeous!. I'm sure she'll love it. :)

  5. Thank you so much Nessa! I love it, and I love all the things you sent! :-) The fabric you used it absolutely adorable. Seagulls! Wood!! Chevrons!!!

    Thank you again! It was lots of fun swapping with you. :-)

    1. You are so very welcome Kat! Really glad you like it!


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