Monday, 29 April 2013

Getting to know me

I have recently been asked to write a guest post for my Craft Swap partner who blogs over at Modern Vintage Cupcakes.  If you'd like to meet another blog writer from New Zealand, and haven't already met Kat and her wonderful creations, then do go over and have a look around!  If you're curious to know a little more about me, then you're more than welcome to read my guest post that appears on her blog.

Seems as though there may be something in the wind: a number of people are keen to get to know a bit more about other blog writers; their likes and dislikes beyond and outside of creative stitching.  Recently I have very kindly been nominated for the Liebster Award.  One thing that is nice about this Liebster Award is that it does provide an opportunity to show somebody you appreciate their writing.   And for that, I am really honoured and touched to hear that the following three bloggers enjoy reading my blog enough to have recently nominated me:

Danielle from One Small Stitch
Helen from Grosgrain Green
Hazel from Disaster in A Dress

Thank you very much ladies!

I have done a bit of googling and it seems like this is a bit of a chain letter.  Unfortunately, a long time ago, I decided against ever participating in chain letter style things so I won't be passing this on any further.
I hope nobody minds.  But in the spirit of "Getting to know me" I have decided to answer the questions from the lovely ladies above anyway.

So to finish off, here are my very brief answers to the questions from Danielle:

1. Why did you start sewing?
My Mum sewed and I wanted to make things too
2. Five words that describe you:
This is the hardest question, so I will just be kind to myself
creative, thoughtful, stickler, organised, fun
3. What is your favourite make?
An 1850s dress

4. And your least favourite?
The Sorbetto top
5. What piece(s) of sewing equipment (besides your machine) could you not live without?
Quick Unpick
6. What are your three favourite blogs?
Did You Make That?  
Flossie Teacakes 
 Kate Davies Designs
7.  What accomplishment are you most proud of?
University Degree
8. Sweet tooth or savoury?
9. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
Moving to Scotland
10. What's your secret for a happy life?
Make sure you like yourself at all times

Alison's Questions that are different to those above:  

2. What's your favourite part of sewing/making?
I really love the thinking and the planning the most.
3. And least favourite?
Finishing the seams
4. Who is your muse/style idol/style inspiration/style crush? Can be real or fictional. Famous or civilian.
Laura Ashley
7. What's your sewing/making bete noire? Your biggest challenge, or the thing you've been putting off?
Tweed waistcoat for myself
8. Where do you find inspiration?
Pattern Review and sewing blogs
9. Do you have any other hobbies, other than sewing/making?
Reading and keeping chickens
10. What is your sewing set up? Do you have a dedicated sewing space? Are you relegated to a corner of the living room?
I have slowly taken over the guest bedroom and have a desk and a few hatboxes for fabric storage in there.

And here are Hazel's questions that are different from the other two:

2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I'm living the dream - I've always wanted to live in Scotland
3. Online fabric shopping: yes or no?
Yes - I live rurally so have to rely on online shopping
4. What essentials could you not leave your house without?
wallet and glasses
5. Who are your fantasy dinner party guests?
L.M.Montgomery, Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte
6. What inspires you to craft?
I like pretty things and saying that I made them myself
7. What is your most visited website?
8. What are the top 5 most played songs in your iTunes/Music library?
I like recordings of Women's Hour from BBC4
9. What is the background on your desktop/phone home screen?
Photograph I took of a local river
10. What is your favourite TV programme?
Great British Sewing Bee at the moment
11. Do you prefer working stretch or woven fabrics?

If you did click over to My guest post, and are still reading here, then I thank you very much!  Please leave a comment to say "Hi"


  1. Well, how lovely to get to know you a little better! I really enjoyed your answers, and your guest post. (I'd just assumed you were Scottish, not a fellow-Victorian!) And I would absolutely gatecrash that fantasy dinner party... Thanks for sharing. oxo

  2. Ha, I actually came on here to nominate you as well and find a few interesting posts to share of yours! It's fine if you don't want to answer my questions, but I'm still going to share your blog with all of my followers so maybe they'll venture over and love it as well! xx

    1. Aww, you are too kind Kristin! Thanks so much for your kind thoughts about my blog! Am happy to answer your questions if you like - I just won't pass the award forward that's all. Sorry to be a bit of a joy-kill. x

    2. You're not a kill joy at all - I felt like I was rather guilted into and since my sewing machine has died recently, I decided to go for it. You can read about it here, but again, no pressure to participate. Thanks again! xx

  3. What a great post. I love the answers to your questions. Off to read your about you. g

  4. Congratulations for receiving the awards! I'm the same as you - I received an award a little while ago but have put off doing anything with it because it feels so primary school chain letter! But I also like the share other blogs aspect. Looking forward to seeing more of your projects!


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