Tuesday, 19 March 2013

WIP updates

Having finished my course of antibiotics I do feel I'm back to my normal self this week, and have hopefully kicked this bout of tonsillitis.  I've got a busy week at work ahead, with a lot of "best foot forward" expected of me, which will be a little extra pressure, so I'm just taking one day at a time.
So to give myself some me-time, I've done a bit of catching-up at Nessa's Place this week.  Here are three WIPs (works in progress) that I've updated today:

W.I.P. 1

On and off (mostly off) I am working on some hand sewing. (I tend to occupy myself with this when the mother-in-law comes to tea) It is a hand appliqued and patchworked quilt, designed by Anni Downs.  It is going to be a lovely big wall hanging quilt for our stairwell.
Today I finally finished the fourth 20" x 20" square! This large flower pot has been a bit of a nightmare - I have not enjoyed the fiddliness of the stalk and stems at all, and I think it has taken so long to do, simply because I was putting it off.

This quilt is a Block of the Month (BOM) idea called In My Garden, and was supposed to have been finished by November 2012 but oh well, life is busy. I do like it and shall keep going with it (on and off).
Actually it is quite nice to spend an hour getting the fabric and little pieces all ready and pack it all into a little project bag, ready for picking up and taking anywhere to do a little hand stitching whenever I feel the need.  I think I enjoy this preparing work quite a lot actually... I've posted about the joy of preparation before.

W.I.P. 2

On our last holiday to the Isle of Skye I bought some materials to make a small wall-hanging quilt inspired by the colours and the landscape.  Well, I have done absolutely nothing on that since the last time I mentioned it.  Could have done a bit today but I didn't feel like it.  You know how some days one project seems more fun to do than the one you know you should do?  Well today just wasn't Skye quilt's day.

But we also bought some Harris Tweed remnants that were on sale in a knitting shop.  (Harris Tweed is made in people's homes on the Island of Harris, off the west coast of Scotland, and it is lovely)  I have pressed the pieces and cut them into workable lengths, all prepared and ready to be made into cushions for our lounge room.

W.I.P. 3

As part of House of Pinheiro's International Craft Swap, I am also working on something crafty to give to my  Pinheiro-paired partner.  Just in case she reads this post, I won't mention what I am thinking of making for her just yet, but here is a sneaky peak at some of the things I just might be using to make it. 

The idea is to make something with a Nautical theme to suit my paired-up partner, and she will make something Nautical for me.  We're supposed to use things from our stash, but I didn't have anything nautical so I got a few things at the recent Stitching exhibition in Glasgow and the Quilt show that was in Edinburgh.

I'd be interested to know what you would make from these lovely fabrics and ribbons?


  1. All that hand stitching, it looks fab, you must have the patience of a saint :)

    I have a small stash of Harris Tweed which is waiting for a worthy project, not sure what it will be yet!


    1. Thanks Alison, patience is not one of my best friends but I do enjoy the time to concentrate on the stitching instead of listening to the mother-in-law rants! he he he

  2. I'm loving that appliqued quilt! It's going to be lovely when it's done. As for the Skye quilt, well it's time will come, maybe not today, but someday. The Harris tweeds are stunning. The SWAP project - well, i have no ideas. g

    1. ...and you said you had no ideas!!! Ha! Thanks for the email tips gMarie! Some lovely ideas.

  3. That's a great choice of nautical themed items, I'm sure you'll make something fun with those. Also love the harris tweed, my friend has been wanting some Harris Tweed cushions for ages. Were the offcuts expensive? It's SO expensive to buy off the roll, though I do understand why and I'm sure it's worth it.

    1. Thanks Kestrel. The offcuts were off the edges of the roll, so not the best condition, but certainly salvageable amounts. two long strips were bundled together for £6. I'll email you further details if you like.

  4. Is that driftwood fabric in your nautical pile? Love it and can't wait to see what you make.

    I have a drains who often seems to aquire Harris Tweed. It is beautiful stuff. Am gutted that I didn't come across this when I was in Skye last year. I'm sure it will be a lovely make!

  5. I know - I really like that wooden fabric too! And yes, the Harris Tweed will definitely look good once it's made up. Don't you just love Skye though?!

  6. Your quilt looks so impressive! A dear friend of mine just got engaged and I'm thinking of making a quilt for her wedding present, but I'm concerned even a simple quilt might be an ambitious commitment!


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