Monday, 4 February 2013

My First Giveaway

**** Sorry but this giveaway is now closed****

Click here for the Winners announcement


Hi there!  I am Nessa.  I live in Scotland but am originally antipodean.  I am sure we have a lot in common - as most stitching bloggers do.  I have only been blogging about my craftiness for a wee while but have sewn for a very long while, and I hope through sharing my projects that I can be of help to you in some way.

I am participating in Debi's Sew Grateful week, and today is "Host a Giveaway Monday."

My First Giveaway

I am going to give away three copies of a British crafty magazine called Mollie Makes.  I had read somewhere that this is quite a popular magazine in some countries but it can be difficult to find a copy, so I thought it would be nice to give these to somebody who would consider it a special treat to receive one of these in the post.  I have issues 15, 17 and 19 to give away and am happy to post anywhere.

From left to right are Mollie Makes Issues 15, 17, 19

Contents page for Issue 15

Contents page for Issue 17

Contents page for Issue 19

To enter, all you have to do is two things: 1) leave a comment below saying which issue you'd prefer. Then, 2) if you could have a look around my blog and leave me a tip on how I could improve in any way at all.  I am pretty new to the online blogging world and would really like to be able to contribute useful and interesting things.  A bit like a bring-a-plate party... I want to be almond and raspberry layer cake, not rice salad.  I'd be Sew Grateful for a little tip.
I've already received some great tips and put them in place: bolder and larger font and tabs along the top. :-) 
P.S. Now I've also made a more decorative banner too - thanks for the tips so far everybody!

I will contact the winners at the end of the Sew Grateful week: 10th Feb.  Entries close the same day at 7pm GMT.

For my regular readers, there is a lot happening today so please click on Debi's link at the top and see what other goodies are on offer from the Sew Grateful online sewing community over at Debi's lovely vintage inspired website. 

Just to let you know, these magazines were purchased at the Recommended Retail Price by myself and have been read by me only.  I am not promoting this magazine and am in no way affiliated with it.  I do not benefit at all from this, except for the lovely feeling of giving.


  1. I like the look of issue 19- the mini hoglet won me over! I've got a giveaway on too- stop by and see if you're interested!

    I think the only thing I would say about the blog is that I find the writing a little hard to read... but maybe I've been looking at the screen too long!

    1. Thanks for the tip Ellen! I have increased the size of my font and darkened the colour as suggested. I am Sew Grateful for your tip! Hope you have a fun week!

  2. Fabulous giveaway, Nessa!!! I've heard a lot about these magazines so definitely count me in! Thanks for participating in The Sew Grateful Week :)

    1. Thanks Debi! Sew Grateful Week is a terrific idea.

  3. I haven't actually looked at the contents - but they all look lovely. I agree with Ellen - maybe make the font bigger? Also - I *HATE* word verification with a passion - maybe approval instead? g

    1. Thanks for your support G! I have removed the word verification (I hadn't even realised it was on my blog) and the font is now bigger and darker.

    2. Looks so much better and easier to read! g

  4. Oh, I have just recently discovered this magazine, but don't have one copy of it! Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win! If I have to choose a favorite I will just have to say issue number 15... BUT I really can't choose so if my name or number is drawn anyone of them would be so much fun to receive and do a project from :-)

    Your blog is wonderful... I am going to follow you to be inspired as I have just cut out my very first dress and I really appreciate the detailed reviews you give with pictures of you wearing your sewn clothes. That helps me out tremendously! And you happen to have a shape like mine too, which means I will learn even more from what you choose and learn yourself :-) I hope that is ok!

    I think the font being bolder is the only thing I can think of as well... that and keep sewing because I will love to check out what you do next... even ufo's that seem unimportant can give knowledge from my newbie perspective! Thanks again...
    Rachel p b n h o n e y a t g m a i l d o t c o m (no spaces)

    1. Thanks for all your kind comments Rachel. You'll love sewing your first dress. Let me know if you need any help! And I will try to put more UFOs on as well.

  5. I have read online reviews of mollie makes and it seems to be a fab magazine.I will be happy with any copy!

  6. I saw this in a fabric shop recently but didn't have the money to purchase it at the time. I would love to have any of the three. You choose. Thanks for a chance to win a copy. I like your little blog. I do not have a blog but I like the ones that are simpler and don't look all cluttered.

    1. Thanks so much Margaret. I agree with you, the simpler uncluttered ones are much easier to read, and more pleasing on the eye. I hope I remember this as I go along!

  7. Thanks for the chance to win! I like issue 15, but any of them would be nice. I think your blog looks very nice. I think the pattern review of your dress was a great post. I like how you did a detailed review and the pictures are just wonderful!

    P.S. I've decided to open my giveaway worldwide, so I will count your comment. :)

    1. Oh thanks so much Elizabeth for going global! That is very generous of you! Please count me in then.

  8. Hi, I would be happy with any of the issues. I'm pretty new to blogging myself, but I would say that yours looks great. I prefer a simple uncluttered design like yours - keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Tara - by the way, I had a look at your Peony dress = looks great!

  9. I've never seen those magazines, but I'd love to give them a lookover! Thanks!

    1. You're most welcome - hope you have a Sew Grateful week!

  10. I would love any issue as i have never seen it before ;)

    I would change the colour and maybe even the font of the menu text (no idea what its actually called but the links on the left hand side eg quilts...) Its a bit too light against this background for my eyes.

    1. Also, where is the follow me link? I might be blind lol but I cant find how I can follow you

    2. Thanks for your tip Miss D, I really appreciate it. I have now added a Follower button and I have made the font a bit darker. You're in the running - good luck!

    3. It looks so much better and YAY! I can follow you now! Just realised you are in Scotland.... What part? My relatives come from Portsoy and Sandend way.

    4. I've replied to you via email on this one :-)

  11. Oooh, exciting! I've seen this magazine appear on other blogs, and I've been very curious to see one in real life! If I had to choose, I'd pick issue 19 because of the adorable Hipster Dolls, but I'd love any of them.

    One thing I love seeing on blogs is a quick way to see what the writer has made - a page with images of all your creations that link back to the posts about them. I find it lets me get a good idea of the writer's style quickly, so I can tell if it's a blog that interests me or not.

    1. I really like that too! It's great to get an overall look at a person's me-made wardrobe, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. I shall look into it! Thanks for the tip, and good luck!

  12. All three look fantastic, but I think Issue 15 is my favorite because of the Peter Pan collar.
    Your blog is just right. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement Ellikitty. Hope you have a good week!

  13. I think your blog is lovely! Especially for just starting out :) As you continue blogging, you'll find your style and gradually make little tweaks until it's just what you like. And you know I love seeing those Sally Shirt-dresses - me being a "Sally" and all, it's fun to see your name pop up :)

    These magazines look like good reads - I've never heard of it before, but I would love to check out an issue - perhaps #15? Thanks for doing a giveaway - I am also, so please feel free to enter mine for some fabric! Happy Sew Grateful Week!

    1. Thanks Sally for your encouraging words! Hope you have a 'grate' week.

  14. Thanks for taking part! lovely giveaway

  15. I am interested in #15. Your blog is set up very well. I'm not sure what I would 'fix'. While the greenish tone is not really me (i'm a blue person) I will bet it's very you. You could put up a more decorative banner, but i am also betting simple is 'you' too =) Best of luck with the blog.

    1. Thanks Emily - I'll have a try at a banner! And yes, I do love green!

    2. Thanks for the tip about a decorative banner. I never would have tried this without your tip - so I've had a go and made one!

  16. Lovely giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win the magazines :D
    Your blog is beautiful and I am looking for more inspiration posts from you :D

  17. What a great giveaway! I've only heard of the magazine, never had a chance to flip through it, so honestly I'd love a chance at any of the copies. If I was pressed to pick, I suppose I'd pick 17, but really, they all look very interesting!

    As for your blog, I think it looks great! The only thing I would change, and this is purely my tastes, definitely not a YOU MUST DO THIS type a thing, is that I would add a header and categories to make your old posts and projects easier to find. But like I said, your blog is very good on its own and I'm following you because it looks like you're very talented and I can't wait to see what else you post!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion Kristin - I agree that categories in tabs at the top is definitely something I appreciate on other people's blogs. SEW grateful to you for your suggestion - I've gone and found out how to do it and hey presto! Tabs and pages and everything! Thanks so much for your tip!

  18. I would love to win issue 15. The iPad case caught my eye! I like the look of your blog, love all the pictures, that is the best part of blogs to me! I am assuming by the time I found your blog you had changed the font as it looks good to me!!!

    1. Thanks Debbie! Yes, I increased the font size and darkened the colour too. I never knew you could add tabs at the top so I've done that now and it wasn't too difficult! Hope you have a GRATE week!

  19. I never see any of this magazine before. I love to have either of it.Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Cheers!!
    Maybe you can add the POPULAR POSTS widgets on your blog.

    1. Very good tip, I hadn't thought of that one! Thanks so much and good luck!

  20. I think I like the Sweet Dreams one but would love to have any of them. I don't have any issues. I am fairly new to blogging also and am not very comfortable making suggestions. I did look around your blog and do like your variety. I get bored with blogs that always cover the same things. I really liked looking at your completed garments.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comments! I like variety too - sometimes I feel like a little knit, other times a big sewing session!


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