Monday, 7 January 2013

I'm Home at long last!

I have been away from cold, grey Scotland for 5 weeks visiting family and friends that I haven't seen in over four years in Victoria Australia, which is where I am originally from.  It's been very busy visiting lots of old and meeting lots of new.  My Mr and I did get a chance to have 3 nights to ourselves but every other night was spent in the company and hospitality of others. Imagine it... I am sure you can.
Along the way I did get a chance to do a little fabric shopping. So here are a few photos of some of the lovely things I was able to bring back with me in my overweight luggage.
I mentioned to my Mum and an Aunt that I quite fancied making a dress out of old doilies and voila! Off they go to Second Hand shops and bring me back this lovely little collection! (Did you notice there is even a lace collar in there? Can't wait to find the perfect garment for that little pretty!)

I had admired this collection of fat quarters whilst on holiday in Skye but I didn't buy it then and regretted it later. So when I saw these in a Victorian town called Bright I just had to snap them up. On the top right is an extra print by an Australian designer - which is a great souvenir from my trip.

Got these three lovely rich fabrics in a Quilter's shop in Ballan Victoria, called the Mill Rose Quilts. It's a Surprising little shop with a huge collection.

Got these fat quarters in a storewide 30% off Sale in a Ballarat Patchwork shop! Delicious!

These were also 30% off - I couldn't resist these Australian birds - I simply Must make a souvenir quilt!

This fabric was in a remnants basket in a small crafts hall in a lovely, rural Victorian town called Beechworth. It feels silky and luxurious, and was only $10 Aus. Blouse or skirt?

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