Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Finished Just in Time

I started this scarf last winter, but with so many other things going on, it got put to the bottom of my to-do list.  I got half way through when I realised I needed to get another ball of wool, and the shop is an hours drive away, so it was about a month before I actually purchased the lovely soft alpaca and silk yarn.  Then about a month after that I couldn't find the pattern anywhere, so had to just use my detective skills and try to work it out.  But seeing it still incomplete in my crafting bag next to my seat in our lounge room, I decided to just crack on and get it finished.  So I nutted out the pattern and now here it is, all finished with two balls of Debbie Bliss Andes.

(It's pretty cold here, this photo was taken at about 4pm and already it's pretty dark)


  1. Love me a good feather and fan scarf. That mustardy color is good on you. Hope you warm up and get longer days of light soon. g


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